
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend I

-said "goodbye" to Hilton Head, the beach, sun and sand
-said "hello" to my house (love being home!!)
-road in the car forever because we live a very far way from Hilton Head
-wasn't cranky in the car because I was going home :)
(yes, I was cranky on the way down....)
-avoided some mysterious bug or food illness that happened to my husband-phew!
-told him what to eat when recovering-switching seamlessly into mother mode
-face a pile of bills, receipts, and laundry
-will be grocery shopping and going to Mass
-will be enjoying the last day of the family being all together
-will start sifting through the photos to share 

How was your weekend?

Please share your weekend link in the comments and if you can visit the others :)  I've met some "new" friends and love seeing snippets of their days.

Also, I am very behind in reading all of your blogs, I'm doing my best to catch up this week :)


  1. That sounds lovely, Karen! I am always less grumpy on car journeys on the way home too :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and arriving home. I hope your hubby is feeling better now!


  2. This weekend has been all about the campaign for Scottish Independence. We had a ball, meeting loads of new people and dancing in the rain. x


    1. I've been trying to keep up with the independence campaign, I find it intriguing!

  3. Whenever we got a chance (when it wasn't raining that is) we worked on projects outside. Trying to get the garden and the house ready for company. :-)

    1. you have fantastic gardens and all of your hard work shows!

  4. I'm behind in replying, but wanted to say how great I think it is that you and Tracey met! I had the privilege of having coffee with Kay Gardiner of MDK awhile back, and that was an incredible experience. I will start following Clover--thanks!

    1. you met a celebrity! cool :) It was fun meeting Tracey :)

  5. I am so thankful you made it home safely, I was thinking of you yesterday. I'm so sorry about your husband, that's terrible. Really there is no place like home is there? Karen, I am so happy you and I had some time to sit together and talk, you are exactly like I knew you would be and I am blessed to call you my friend. Enjoy being home and loving on Frodo.

    1. I am home and I'm loving it! This homebody was a little homesick. loved meeting you :)

  6. Welcome home, friend. Our weekend has been a hard one... with a sad goodbye to a beloved pet.


  7. Glad you had a great weekend and avoided the bug!

    1. I think we are all happy we avoided that illness :) I'm skilled that way!

  8. Its always great to be home after a break. I have spent the weekend preparing for a break. Packing, cleaning and doing paperwork. Have a good week.

    1. thanks, hope you are ready for your break!

  9. Glad you made it home and that you had a great time. Our weekend was nice, the last days of our vacation too, but we stayed home. :-)

    1. Ah. You avoided all traffic jams, you clever woman.

  10. Just working around the farm this weekend. Got my last raised be planted. I did sit down and watch a Youtube video and practiced the knit stitch. Is there another tutorial that you recommend? It is not easy for me, even though I crochet, but I think once I get the hang of it I will do alright. maybe some wooden needles. :)
    Went to church this morning and resting this afternoon.

    1. I will have to research that. Have you check a basic learning how to knit book along with youtube? Maybe someone here will have a go to book recommendation. Also see if you can find a knitting group (at a library perhaps) are you on ravelry? you could see if your area has a group and find out about the meeting times.

      wooden needles are very very good for beginning and 100% wool is very forgiving and springy to learn on. You can always rip out what you have practiced and knit something else.

      making a simple garter stitch scarf (knit every row) (cast on about 40 stitches with worsted weight) will perfect the knit stitch :)

  11. irisheyesknitters.blogspot.com

    I always LOVE to return home. I get nervous leaving my home but I'm much better than I used to be.

    Worked Saturday evening in the NICU. Babeis babies little babies all around. Lots of beeps alarms and hustling to keep little ones breathing….
    such is the life of a NICU nurse.

    TOday: Relaxing Re charging and KNITTING next

    1. I get sad leaving home, once I'm on the road I'm fine. Once I arrive I have a countdown to when I get back home :)

  12. Joining the "weekending" link-up for the first time! I came over here from Amanda's blog. Good to meet you : )


    1. Oh I'm so glad you joined! Welcome and now I'm off to see your post :)

  13. Karen, so glad to know that coming home doesn't make you cranky ...I'm like you, always happy to come home...and isn't it amazing how we can so easily change into "mother mode"? Hope you will be able to share some pics from your week at Hilton Head!

    We had a weekend of fun here this week! Shared about it at http://www.jesusweadorethee.blogspot.com/2014/06/weekends_8.html

    1. I love to come home! I think it's the best feeling ever.

  14. coming home...always nice. I am in process of leaving home...


    have a good week, dominika

  15. Oh, I love Hilton Head! We went there on a family trip when I was a kid, and I have only the happiest memories of it! Glad you are enjoying being back home too! Eric just got back froma week in Sweden on Friday, so we had a low-key weekend at home, but managed to fit in a trip to the pool, which was lovely:)

    1. pool time is fun time :) I am still enjoying the being home feeling :)

  16. I'm glad that you are back home, safe and sound Karen and that you missed out on the bug. It makes going worthwhile if only to come back home. I hope your poor husband is feeling much better now.

    At last I managing to join the party! I've been wanting too ever since you first hosted. Our weekend was a bit of away but mostly home...a good mix.
    Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.

    1. he is feeling better and we are thinking a rogue yogurt was the problem, but we will never be sure, now will we?

  17. Ah...home, there is no place like it. Going away is great, but coming home always feels so good. Enjoy your week Karen.

    1. going away makes you appreciate home more!

  18. no place like home!!! I feel like making one of those embroidery samplers and hanging it above my suitcases which seem to be always out and ready to be packed, which is really saying something for this person who lives with a bit of wanderlust!!! So glad you are tucked safely (and healthily) at home for awhile. I'll be joining you eventually this summer, just not for a couple weeks yet!!!! Thanks for hosting the weekending group!!!!

    1. you have been busy and I could tell you love to go places! I think I am a three day trip kind of gal though.

  19. I hope your husband is feeling better!! It sounds like a wonderful vacation...not least of which is that you were able to meet Tracey!!!
    Here is our weekend: http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/06/weekending.html

    1. he is a little bit every day! and we are thrilled no one else was ill :)

  20. Welcome home Karen! The first couple of days are tough but you will settle right in. Glad you had a wonderful time - I can't wait to hear all about it. http://knit1spin2.blogspot.com

    1. I am nearly caught up with the jobs around here. We did have fun!

  21. That beach looks heavenly!

    This is what was going on with me this weekend: http://wifemomknitter.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/weekending-27/

  22. There's no place like home and you appreciate it more when you've been away. Sitting on a beach isn't a bad reason to leave!

    1. I haven't been to the beach in two years and it was time to revisit the ocean :)

  23. I love what your weekend looks like. xo

  24. driving in a car for long stretches at a time is no fun (said the one who flies everywhere) unless you have a project.

    1. I did have a project most of the time but if the sun is shining on me, I get too hot!!

  25. Well, that post disappeared? Your photo made me want to head to the beach on our side of the world. Hilton Head looks like a fun spot to visit, but there's nothing quite like coming home to your own bed, is there? Hope you got some car knitting done!

    1. you betcha! I worked on that scrap fingering weight blanket most of the time :)

  26. I'm pretty much a homebody as well.

    My weekend (walking, flowers, reading, family, etc.): http://inblueink.blogspot.com/2014/06/weekending_10.html


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