
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend was:

-a scrabble weekend, close game but I won :)
-lots of knitting
-dinner out on Friday
-dinner in Saturday, clearing out the left overs
-walking twice daily once again
-being in the moment
-relaxing and unplugged most of the time

Today is church, some laundry and visiting with some friends while knitting.

How was your weekend?

Announcement:  Starting next weekend I will be posting late Sunday or early Monday morning to maximize my unpluggedness (not a word but it should be!).  I will see how that goes for a bit.  I enjoy posting on Sunday morning but I am loving the thought of a whole weekend away from the computer. 


  1. Your weekend sounds wonderful! I have tried to be unplugged....but the call of social media is creeping back in. I am trying so hard to find a balance but it is difficult! I do good if I saw "none at all." It is when I say "well a few minutes is ok" except then those few minutes happen way too often. I need to start doing a total unplugged weekend I think!
    Here's our weekend: http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/08/weekending.html

  2. So far it's been a good weekend. Walked with a friend yesterday morning and with the hubby this morning. Finally finished my scarf and cast on something new! :-) Watched some movies, worked in the yard some... Just the way I like it. :-) Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. Viva la unpluggedness!
    I traveled hours to pick up my boy from camp. It was lovely.

  4. I like the chance in time for your posting! Maybe I will be able to link up!

  5. Love your new word and I think it is a great idea. I have plans to unplug a little more often to accomplish much more around here.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. Hello, I am new to your blog, but I like the idea of having an unplugged weekend. I hope that it works for you. It sounds as though you had a great weekend this time around. I look forward to reading more from you. xx

  7. I love the scrabble picture congrats on the win! It looks like you had a fun weekend! :)

  8. I have had an unplugged few days, as family have been visiting. I think it does you good now and again. A computer should enhance your life not rule it. Have a good week.

  9. I miss playing scrabble! Use to play all the time with my folks when I was younger. Life for me is more peaceful when I unplug but is hard to keep up with all my favorite blogs. Have a wonderful rest of the Sunday :)

    1. Have you tried playing Words with Friends? It's not as good as playing Scrabble in real life, but definitely can be fun. (I'm spritewrites there and am always happy to play with new folks.)

  10. another great weekend!!! I'm a scrabbler, too!!! (a friend and I play online!!!!!) I think your unplugged plan is a winner.......enjoy the beginning of another week!

  11. Sounds like a lovely weekend Karen. And I love your new word. I have been spending much less time online this month, I even deactivated my Facebook account. It has been amazing. I thought I would deactivate for just month to really soak in the last bit of summer, but I think I might be away longer, not missing it, nor the time it takes away from living.

    Enjoy your unplug weekends, while I don't do that every weekend, I do it often and love them. Will link up my weekend post tomorrow :)

  12. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I totally understand the idea of unplugging for the weekend. My daughter visited this weekend and I missed linking to two blogs because I did not want to take the time away to write a post and upload (or even take) photos. Enjoy your week.

  13. scrabble! My family's favorite thing! Can't wait to play it with my own daughter someday!

  14. Scrabble, knitting and good food... could a weekend be any more relaxing!! Someday soon scrabble will rejoin my weekends ;0) http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/weekending.html

  15. Stopping by to link up :) http://www.motheringwithmindfulness.com/2014/08/our-weekend.html Have a great day Karen.

  16. Looks like you had a relaxing and fun weekend. I do love a good game of scrabble. Here is a peek into our weekend : http://throughourgardengate.blogspot.com/2014/08/weekends.html

    I have formulating a unplugged plan also especially with our oldest starting school in a few weeks. I want to maximize face time in our family especially on the weekends. Have a great Monday!

  17. I spent a lot of the weekend unplugged - which is why I was so productive! It felt really good. Glad you won at Scrabble ;-)


  18. What a lovely weekend that sounds! I took the entire weekend for myself this week and thoroughly enjoyed the absence of pressure to be doing something. There was a lot of knitting involved and I feel so recharged today.
    I like your idea for unplugged weekends, perhaps I will try that next time I get one.

  19. Since I usually feel I need to be unplugged for the weekend, I agree you should post when it feels right to you! Enjoy your weekends to the fullest!

  20. Go you- Mrs. scrabble winner!!!
    You should post when you feel like it- summer is too short be in front of the puter. Good for you walking twice daily.
    Have a good week.

  21. Quiet weekend here as well, but very welcome.
    Did help a friend find a forever cat at the shelter Sunday. THAT was fun.
    it is getting darker sooner here…….Im hanging on to all things summer.
    I tried to read a book but didn't like it so much. :)
    Knitting always...

  22. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I'm so impressed with the twice daily walking! Your weekends always seems so lovely and well balanced.

    This weekend we were party central. Nephew's taco birthday on Saturday and Kids and Parents cocktail party on Sunday after the movies. Fun summer times :)

    I managed to sneak a few knitted rounds with some late night t.v. viewing. :)

  23. I love the unpluggedness of Sundays :) And you have Scrabble players at your house?! Oh, but I do wish someone here would play with me. Sounds like a lovely weekend in your home!

    1. As I said to peacefullyknitting up above, Words with Friends can sometimes be an adequate substitute for Scrabble when you have no one local to play with.

  24. I would gladly play a game with you if you were here :)

  25. I'm glad you're moving to late Sunday/early Monday. Whenever I saw Amanda's (and now your) posts pop up in my blog reader Sunday morning, I despair that the weekend is nearly over, rather than just barely half done.

  26. Scrabble! I love it but am sadly not as good at it as i "think" I am. I always think I am so much better with words than my husband, but then he beats me every time we play Scrabble. I taught him Chess thinking I would have my win with that...but he beat me there too. ; )


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