
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend consisted of:

-moving our son completely into his new apartment outside of the Boston area
-shopping at Ikea for the first time and LOVING it.
-lots of bending, moving, walking and unpacking boxes
-being amazed we fit all of his belongings in the Honda CRV
-ordering pizza while moving in
-being happy and sad at the same time for my son
-picking up a happy Frodo from the kennel, he was extra wiggly happy :)
-having a much needed salad for dinner after eating out all weekend long
-car knitting!!

How was your weekend?


  1. I love IKEA!! Some friends and I would get together every once in a while and make a trip to our nearest IKEA. We'd eat breakfast first and then browse. :-) Sadly our nearest IKEA is in Atlanta, at least 4 hours from here. :-(
    It was a good weekend here, got things accomplished and also had some downtime.

    1. I think our closest one is 2 1/2 hours away, hence not seeing Ikea until I was in Massachusetts :)

  2. It is always bittersweet to have our kids move out - but what I always enjoy is seeing them become independent and knowing the lessons you taught them really did sink in. Here is my weekend.

  3. I love Ikea too. It's such a jolly happy place. I am drawn to the lighting department every time. I'm happy that your son is settled somewhere nice and light and homely. Maybe you could treat yourself to some new yarn by way of compensation for the little hole you now feel. Hopefully Frodo's company will help too.
    Here is a bit of my weekend.


    1. Actually i am thinking of some yarn purchasing soon :)

  4. I love Ikea too, have been shopping there before when we lived in Vienna and now we finally have one in Charlotte. Here is what my weekend looked like: http://quiltingpenguin.blogspot.com/2014/08/weekend_17.html

  5. I think I heard your sigh of relieve all the way down here Karen. I know your mama's heart can rest a little knowing your babies are settled in their new homes.
    I have never been to an Ikea, but I've heard it's amazing.

    1. you know me well, the bulk of the madness is done. Now to finish furnishing our daughter's new place! I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

  6. That is a super nice and clean apartment. I LOVE IKEA- I could live there. Sounds like a busy but fun weekend and you Frodo happily awaiting your return home.

    1. Frodo shows his love and affection eagerly that is what I love about him the most!

  7. How have you managed to avoid IKEA for so long?!! We had a magical weekend full of fairy festival fun!

  8. I've never been to an ikea either. None near us. Looks like he's 'boy settled'----girls usually need more stuff don't they? Enjoy your empty coffee table!

    1. you are right, girls do need more stuff. That's okay though!

  9. Its always hard when your kids move out but you have got to love them enough to let them go in the sure knowledge they love you enough to keep coming back. I always visit Ikea when I visit one of my girls, there isn't one near where I am. Have a good week.

  10. I know the feeling well - being happy that your son is pursuing a big goal, yet a bit sad that he has to do it far from home. Wishing him all the best as he embarks upon his PhD. Hopefully you don't have to help anyone move next weekend!

    1. nope moving is nearly done, just some furnishing for the daughter. Easy peasy!

  11. i can see how your weekend had a sad and a happy aspect to it. but you discovered ikea, that's fantastic :)
    my weekend was great, full of fun activity and time with friends. have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Simona, I hope you have a great week as well :)

  12. cleaning, laundry, dinner with family, movie night at church, playing with my outside puppy, church, and napping :)

  13. I'm glad you got him all moved in. It's so bittersweet.....
    IKEA is great isn't it?
    And I just realized that your son is living near Boston? That's only an hour away from me, so next time you are visiting him we should try and meet up for coffee :-)

    1. That sounds wonderful Donna! I did not know you lived that close, I'll let you know next time I'm up there.

  14. I completely understand that happy/sad feeling of having one of your children move away from home. Isn't IKEA the best? People either love it or hate it, and I'm in the love category. My weekend was spent catching up on a lot of errands after having had my sweet granddaughter here for a few days.

    1. any weekend with a grand would be grand! I am an Ikea Lover through and through. If only there was one close by.

  15. Ahh job well done. Hope your son has a fab year.

  16. Oh, so nice! that's the Ikea we go to ;) Exhausting in itself! I'm happy you got him settled in. And hope this nice weather continues! xoxo

  17. It is s fun coming home to the dog. Hope your son enjoys his new apartment. ☺

  18. Glad the moves were successful and behind you now. My daughter-in-law wanted to take me to IKEA when she visited earlier this summer but we ran out of time. Probably a good thing. I'm sure I would have found lots of things I really 'need'. :-)

  19. IT was so full of fun as our daughter was in town. Very little knitting got done. We are going to cry tonight when she leaves...

  20. oh wow, IKEA. quite the event, shopping there! we went about a month ago to outfit the rental house and it was a full day. I do love their stuff, I'm just not sure it can be done in a not overwhelming way with a kiddo in tow. If it was just me on my own I think I could spend an entire day in there!

    I haven't joined in in a while, but I'm happy to be back~ this is our last weekend of summer break before I start work again, and we filled it with lots of swimming and water fun and dessert!


  21. IKEA, love that place! His place looks awesome, and I can imagine there was a huge sigh of relief when he was all moved in. That happy/sad feeling, totally understand.

    Have a lovely week Karen.

  22. IKEA! I didn't get my first real Ikea experience till I moved here to Toronto. I love that place. But I buy too much so I can't go very often. Do you have an empty nest now? I'm sure it's hard to adjust, but good for your kids getting out on their own. I remember how excited and scared I was getting my first apartment.

  23. karen, i've been thinking about you and your growing 'children', all the moving going on…physical and of the heart. so happy for your wiggly frodo and ikea and pizza and salads and your sweet mama heart.

  24. Sounds like a weekend of mixed emotions and lots of hard work! Glad it is finished and now you can relax..

  25. It is bittersweet when they spread their wings and take flight. You are so happy and proud... yet, there is an ache that cannot be denied. Another of life's passages. I'm needing an IKEA visit myself. ;) So glad you have him settled in and ready to go for the next leg of his journey.

    I know Frodo was soooo excited to see y'all!! LOL! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  26. It sounds as though you had a very busy, but productive weekend for sure! I hope that your son enjoys his new life in his apartment and that you enjoy visiting and going back to Ikea sometimes too! xx

  27. isn't IKEA great? and car knitting... oh I used to do that... really want to get back into knitting this winter.

    productive weekends are good! : )


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