
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend was somewhat relaxing, slow and purposeful.

-watched another two episodes of Dr. Who
-started a new knitting project because of peer pressure (steph!)
-knitting and unknitting that project, making rookie mistakes
-celebrating our daughter's boyfriend's birthday and yes there was cake involved
-sinking into two walks a day once again with the weather cooperating
-rainy days yielded to blue skies
-catching the angle of the summer sun midday throughout the house
-chatting with our son daily, listening to his days and the meals he's creating or not creating.  Loving that I was lucky to be there last weekend and can imagine him in his town, on his campus
-Frodo was stung by a wasp and his yelp was heard around the yard.  Once he recovered,he went right back to the scene of the crime to attack his attackers.  Silly boy!

-lastly, I received a delightful package all the way from Australia from Monique, (Thank you!) Once again I am amazed at how this blogging community unites us as friends no matter the distance.

How was your weekend?  Please share and visit with others in the comments.  


  1. Such sweet gifts! Yes the blogging community is wonderful, I couldn't agree with you more. Hope Frodo isn't suffering with his wasp sting.

  2. poor Frodo. Freddy sends his condolences.
    What a grand package!!! Yes, this blogging community is the BEST!!!

  3. I love that blue, blue sky as it usually means lowered humidity and cooler temps. I'm ready for fall, or would at least welcome a crisp 60 degree day!

  4. Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Such wonderful gifts too. This blogging community is truly wonderful. Poor Frodo, I'm glad he's okay though! We have never seen Dr. Who!!
    We had a fun weekend: http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/08/weekending_25.html

  5. Poor Frodo, those wasp stings hurt.
    This blogging world is amazing it's it? It's so nice to that it makes the world a little smaller. I adore your gifts.
    I hope you have a wonderful Monday Karen. Today I begin lessons plans, school starts next Tuesday.

  6. Glad Frodo survived- no fun. What a lovely gift thru the mail you received.
    Jules starts college on Thursday....gulp, new territory for us both.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  7. Poor Frodo. And yes, silly boy, going back! Our weekend was spent in San Francisco celebrating the life of my best friend. And he even threw in an earthquake for us.

    1. I am sorry for your loss of a great friend.

  8. Oh what fun to get gifts in the mail! I wish I could have such relaxing weekends! Someday I will :)

  9. What a great list! And is Steph peer pressuring you? Jeez. She seems like such a sweet person. LOL. ; )
    Thank you for mentioning Dr. Who. I was trying to remember the name of that series everyone is talking about! xoxo

    1. p.s. for some reason your blog is not accepting people's links as...well...active links. they are just text. at least that is how it is form my computer.....

    2. I think blogger doesn't allow hyperlinking. And you have to do some special coding to bypass it....But I'll look into it to make sure :)

  10. It sounds as though you had a great weekend. We spent ours still working on the patio!! It will be finished soon so I will share pictures when it is done!! xx

  11. What a lovely weekend! I spent my weekend scrapbooking and celebrating my 17th birthday! Unfortunately the next day (Monday) I had to get a root canal. But don't all good things come to an end? :)

    1. Happy birthday!!! And I hope the root canal went well and you are now on the mend.

  12. I bet Frodo was bad as at the wasp. Glad your son is settling in and I bet some meals mums are best not to know about. My weekend was spent studying as had got no study done all last week. Dh worked in my moon garden and the bush bath building has begun http://cottagetails.blogspot.co.nz/ Love Leanne

  13. I'm late this weekend as it's been a bank holiday here today and I was making the most of it ;0)

  14. Weekends are fun, aren't they? We visited with Stella and Max and enjoyed the park and Farmers' Market on Saturday, and then spent a lot of yesterday working in the yard, chasing weeds.

    1. chasing weeds is never ending at times. We heavily mulched and that has helped here.

  15. The wasps are horrible this year. Sure hope the sting heals fast!

  16. I love the blogging community. Your gifts are lovely. Poor Frodo, silly boy for going back :) Have a lovely week Karen.

  17. smiling at your goodness.
    and kisses to frodo ;)


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