
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend started off with the newlyweds returning from their honeymoon in Iceland, they had a great time and I loved seeing their photos of what they did.  Above is a photo of the presents they brought back for us.  I cannot wait until Christmas to place my puffin on the tree!  

Yesterday started off the "staycation", we went Eagle's Mere for their Arts and Crafts fair.  The day was picture perfect, not too cold or hot.  We shared a portobello mushroom wrap and some fries.  Sharing makes the calories half the amount and twice the fun.

Today was Mass and then some quality knitting time with my friends.  Once I hit publish, I'm going for a walk and then Netflix has announced to me personally that the new Doctor Who season is available.....swoon!

How was your weekend?


  1. A lovely weekend. My son and his girlfriend broke up about 10 days ago. He's happier than Ive seen him all summer. We had blog pals for dinner last night here. Grilled pork tenderloin, taco salad and bread. They brought key lime pie for dessert. I shouldn't have . I did.
    Knitting today; Quietly. One cat is sick. Vets tomorrow

  2. Iceland...what a wonderful and exciting place to have a honeymoon.
    I did feel your prayers this week Karen, thank you. I can not believe
    I am still crying over this move; I feel like such a big baby!
    Sigh, at least I have knitting.

  3. any treasures from the craft fair???? Iceland is on the proverbial bucket list....must get there sometime! :)

  4. They brought back some really nice souvenirs for you! The mug and ornament are my favorites. Did you bring any goodies home from the craft fair? I attended a CPR class on Saturday, hubby and I went to the movies... Other than that we just stayed home and enjoyed a quiet weekend.

  5. What a lovely weekend you have had! Did the newlyweds get to see the Northern Lights?? I do hope so! We had a trip to the seaside yesterday and a lazy day today...both lovely. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead xx

  6. Now that is a lovely weekend - and such treasured gifts you got too!
    Today is a public holiday around these parts as our Woman's Day that was celebrated yesterday fell on a Sunday so today being a Monday we are off. The weather has changed from yesterday's warm summery sunshine and it is all gloomy. I'm still in my pjs and watching the food channel while knitting up a new project but if you take a peek... here is what we were up to yesterday ~> http://homespuntogether.blogspot.com/2015/08/walking-forest.html

  7. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, beautiful gifts. Did anything come back with you from the craft fair? I caught up with household and garden tasks and had a stroll around a couple of car boot sales.

  8. Iceland, what an amazing place to honeymoon. Hope they had a great time. Lovely gifts you received. It was a slow and simple one around here...a trip to the market, lunch out, time in the garden, and time in the kitchen. I shared more here http://www.motheringwithmindfulness.com/2015/08/our-weekend.html

    Have a lovely week Karen.

  9. a good friend just came back from Iceland too...she thought it was the most beautiful place she has been (despite the cold). The pictures she took were amazing. What a great place to go honeymooning!!! Have a good week Karen

  10. What a lovely weekend
    Will be less than an hour from you from mid September until end October
    Fancy a coffee ?

    1. Oh! Email me and we can see if we can get together! my email is on the find me page.

  11. sounds like a lovely lovely weekend, and a fabulous staycation :) jenny xx

  12. How wonderful! Iceland! My best friend and her husband went there several years ago and loved it:) The craft fair looks lovely too! Hope you are enjoying this relaxing post-wedding time (and planning a trip to California!)

  13. Oh what a beautiful weekend you had. I love seeing the gifts from Iceland. I have a dream of going there someday!
    I played along this week :-)

  14. Your gifts from Iceland look wonderful. I haven't been to a craft fair for a long time. They are not popular where we live. I am hoping to start some knitting tomorrow. Sounds like a great weekend. Joan at www.aviewtothefells.com

  15. Love the ornament! I've never watched Dr. Who, i'll have t check it out. Glad you had a good weekend!

  16. You mentioned the return from their honeymoon and I had to go back to check out pics from the wedding. How exciting! Everyone looked wonderful. Our weekend was busy. Here it is Tuesday, and I'm finally feeling rested from it, ha!

  17. I haven't seen Dr. Who yet but it's in my Netflix queue. I bet your knitting enjoyed some progress as a result!

  18. What a perfectly lovely weekend! What an exciting honeymoon they went on!

  19. Eagle's Mere - I have not been there since I was a kid. We had friends who owned a house there. Looks like a great day!

  20. an afternoon with Dr. Who...What could be better! The new season? I am not sure how I like the "new Dr."? What are your thoughts?

    1. I'm still thinking about the new doctor. I really loved Matt Smith so I'm still in the grieving process i think :)


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