
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend we went to the Endless Mountain Fiber Festival.  I love the sights and sounds of this festival.  There are the animals that are fluffy soft and adorable, each one beckoning us to visit and pet.  My husband took some photos then I took some.  He is patient while I browse and shop the stalls.  He joined in the spirit of the festival by requesting a "thin scarf".  Thin as in fingering weight thin.  I am only too eager to knit something and then we proceed to look for the yarn for his scarf.  He chose a dark purple that will look fantastic.

I am drawn to mute greens and yellows and oranges and browns....Earth tones.  So while I was there I had to buy something but I was trying not to buy "my" colors.  Branch out from my comfort color zone.

I bought a pale lilac in fingering weight (so not my color) and then thought once I was home what was I going make!  Luckily after a phone call with my son, he requested a hat in a light purple (YES!).  I already have some ideas for some knitting for the newlyweds.  She sometimes reads the blog so I won't say much more.

My weekend also had:

:: a packed lunch :: clothes shopping :: finding the best pair of jeans :: then deciding they are the worst pair of jeans :: cantaloupe :: knitting :: photography with the big camera :: Dr. Who (swoon!) :: vegetable soup with grilled cheese sandwiches :: knitting with friends :: a walk in 68 degrees (double swoon!!)

Thanks for the lovely comments on the last post!

How was your weekend?  


  1. This totally sounds like my kind of weekend - walking in 68 degrees - now that is a summertime fantasy dream of mine. I love vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches! The Fiber Festival sounds interesting and fun! Enjoy the week ahead.

  2. I'm loving the sheep pics. Funnily enough we've been to a sheep show too, complete with hand shearing demonstrations.

  3. Good weekend here! Walking with friends, going to an Avett brother's concert with friends, hanging out at home and a day in the 70's - which meant open windows all day!

  4. Wow, what a great weekend! The Fiber Festival looks like it was a great time, and how awesome about the purple yarn purchase. It was very autumn like here this weekend, with dark skies, rain, and a chill in the air. We enjoyed time at home, reading, knitting, playing, and baking :) We did get out for a hike in the rain, wearing long pants, long sleeves and sweaters. I might have had my fingerless mitts on too.

    Have a great week Karen.

  5. I went to a fiber festival, too! I didn't get to see the animals, though, as my companions weren't interested. The market was huge, so that took much of the day.

  6. How fun! I spent my weekend cleaning and cleaning some more and wondering why I put this off until we have someone coming to stay and it becomes a monster job. But I also got to spend time knitting with my daughters and making plans for our trip. Just 6 days!

  7. What sweet sheep and alpacas, and it sounds like your purchases were perfect! I went to the Garden State Sheep Breeders' Sheep and Fiber Fest today and had a similar lovely time. It's small, but certainly big enough for me. Looking forward to seeing your purple projects!

  8. What a fun festival and I love seeing the woolie sheep.
    I think it's good that you stepped out of your comfort zone as far
    as fiber color goes, and purple! Well, we both know I am a fan.
    It was cooler here today and I was even able to leave the
    kitchen door open for a little while this morning.

  9. No fiber festival here at the moment, but we did get to a fun yarn shop and a nice quilt shop, too, in a town called Port Gamble. All these years in WA and we didn't find this town till now. It's feeling like fall here also.

  10. Sounds like a lovely weekend, I've yet to visit any kind of fibre festival (shame on me!) but it sounds so fantastic!

  11. Love the sound of the fibre festival and choosing yarn, always fun. I had my daughter and Grandson visit, so busy times.

  12. Oh your post had me digging through my yarn stash last night eagerly finding things to work with for Christmas presents... I love this time of year! http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/weekending_14.html

  13. The animals are one of my favorite things about fiber festivals. I want to take them home with me. Then I remember how much work my farming friends say they are. It's hard to get out of our color comfort zone isn't it? It's sounds like a great weekend to me!

  14. looks like fun! can't wait to see your 'thin scarf' pattern as my hubby wants one as well.

  15. what a fabulous september weekend you had...our fiber festival was in the middle of august and it was way too warm to get into all the yarn. Your son is going to look great in lilac!!! have a great monday Karen

  16. this sounds like a brilliant weekend - I had a nice socialising weekend which I don't do enough really, so very little knitting was done, but a girly day out, lots of wine, then a walk and pub lunch with the boyfriend on Sunday made for a lovely little break! well done for branching out of the yarn comfort zone - I always find that tricky to do myself too :) jenny xx

  17. My fear is always the greatest pair of jeans will become the worst pair of jeans when I wear them for the first time. So sorry that happened to you! The Festival looks delightful with the cute little sheep and the search for yarn. My weekend was a joy, too, and I'm so sad it's over.

  18. How wonderful that your husband patiently walks and waits with you while browsing yarn.

  19. Oh, a new look for your blog, I love it! I got so excited when I read that you had found the perfect pair of jeans and then deflated when you said they turned out to be the worst; I was going to ask what brand you found, since I find jeans shopping to be so difficult! : ) I love fairs like the one that you visited, it is always so tempting to shop! What a great weekend! xx

  20. A lovely Friday at the WIsconsin Sheep an dwool Festival, A funeral on Saturday for an aunt who lived a long and happy life and a much needed quiet Sunday WIth Knitting on all three days

  21. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Yes, I am happy for the cooler temperatures, too. Of course, it rained buckets and buckets nonstop on Saturday, ruining my plans for a llama fiber fest :( Oh, well!

  22. Oh what a lovely weekend Karen! Looks like you had loads of fun at the fiber fest. We only have two here in AZ, both of which are very small. I'm hoping some day to venture back to Rhinebeck :) My weekend was very relaxing, fun and quite enjoyable. Lots of knitting and crafting got done!

  23. what a lovely weekend hun! that fiber fest sounds like my kind of outing :)

  24. i want to go to a fiber festival some day. :)

  25. Great sights at this fiber festival. I have some ol' knitting mates who are heading up to Dixon, CA for one; it's a bit far for me now that we moved down south. I love how you got lots of knitting in! And ooh, clothes shopping. I need to do that one Wednesday. I'm sorry you didn't find great jeans. I'm into boyfriend fit ones. They're comfy to kick around in and stylish at the same time. Your soup and grilled sammies sound so yummy. Relaxation was the theme of my past weekend.

  26. I know it's a fiber festival, but i just keep thinking, aww, I want to pet one!!


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