
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comments section of the blog.

Another weekend come and gone.  And we are safely into October days where the days are cooler and the nights come faster.  I love it.  Yesterday, I had the craziest idea to finish The Once and Future King by Tuesday night.  I am quite ambitious in this goal.

My other crazy idea was to finish the red scarf (which will be turned into a cowl) by Monday night.  So the imagined race is on!  I am knitting whenever I have a pocket of time and I am reading as well.  Today at the kitchen table I did both at the same time with some challenges.  So far I haven't made a knitting mistake and I'm putting a huge dent in my reading!

Call me optimistic but I think I'll make both self imposed goals :)

Yesterday we started Christmas shopping (I know!) but there was an incredible sale at a department store that helped save lots of money with their coupons.  I'm all for paying bottom prices and I've figured out the rules and exclusions of each coupon.  Ha.  I feel like I'm scamming the system.

Today was more of the same knitting and reading.  Mounds of laundry, menu planning and listing the errands for the week.  I had a few quick calls from the kids, everyone is doing well.  My allergies are slightly annoying but I'm too happy with fall being here, so I'm embracing the intermittent sore throat.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your rainy shoes photo is adorable!

    Hope you make ALL of your goals.

  2. my photo assignment this week is reflection/refraction....listen to me wishing for rain! Love the last photo!!! Hope you make your 'deadlines'! (I was up half the night last night trying to finish this crazy book I started Friday afternoon....tonight it will be done!!!)

  3. Nice fallish photos, Karen. A bit of a sad weekend here as we went to a friend's memorial service yesterday; church to day and in a bit we're off to have dinner with another friend. Just finished reading The Nest. Interesting.

  4. Hot water with vinegar, cinnamon, and honey helps a sore throat. And like my mama, I take zinc once I feel a bug comin' on. The lace on that cowl looks great. What kind of pens you have there?

    1. the pens are stabilo 12 point 88 mini. (set of twelve) I believe you can get them on amazon.

  5. My weekend was good, but not nearly as productive as yours! I did some knitting and reading, but definitely no Christmas shopping. I am going to follow your example and set my deadline of Tuesday night for the second fingerless glove I'm doing for some birthday knitting. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Hope you make the self imposed deadline. I don't blame you for Christmas shopping, everyone is on a budget these days so the coupons are well worth using. I managed to finish the mermaid tail so I am on a bit of a high. Take care.

  7. I love that you are Christmas shopping already. I am Christmas making :) So lovely to drop by your space and check in. It looks like life is treating you well. Enjoy your week Karen.

  8. I'm a little bit more than halfway through my Christmas gift knitting, and have a few other gifts already purchased. I like to do things early, so when Christmastime arrives, I can enjoy it rather than freak out.

    I think you have had a lovely weekend.

  9. Aw, holidays. I am definitely doing less holiday knitting this year. Learned my lesson last year. Good grief.

  10. So impressed by your goal setting, Karen! I've set some as well. I hope to finish a commissioned collage by the end of the week! ��

  11. Sounds like I could've used your shopping skills this weekend: http://inblueink.blogspot.com/2016/10/weekends.html


  12. How did the reading and knitting races go? I hope you won! Another weekend on its way, my how the weeks fly. Happy Friday dear Karen and I hope your allergies are better xx

    1. finished the book and the knitting!! It was quite the productive weekend :)


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