Cooler days......

Fall is here or nearly here. I have noticed that the leaves have started to change and are dropping from the trees.  I have a fair amount of acorns on the driveway. The nights are cooler and it is getting dark a little earlier every night.  Today it is very cool outside and overcast.  I have a wool sweater on and I am not hot. I would be totally agreeable to keeping the cool temperatures with maybe a frost.  I look forward to wearing scarves and mittens. I think in the next week I will be baking a Pumpkin Spice Cake.  That always reminds me of fall.

I have started another project this week.  I am making the Cerus Scarf with eight different left over sock yarns.  The linen stitch does a wonderful job showcasing the many colors.  I am using greens, browns, blues, grays and a bit of purple.

Here is an updated picture of my tweed cardigan.  I finished the body shaping decreasing and have just started the increasing.  This is I think my third or fourth top down construction of a sweater.  I do like that I can try on the sweater as I go along.  Another bonus is the minimal finishing that needs to be done.  I do not like to set in sleeves very much.

This weekend is the PA Endless Mountain Fiber Festival.  I am so looking forward to spending the day exploring all the different wools.  I always buy something and so far have not been disappointed. The weather looks like it will be cooperative.  It seems they keep getting more vendors so maybe I will see something new.


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