Odds and Ends

What can I say?  I love the scarf now that it is off the needles.  I am very happy to have used up a considerable amount of leftover sock yarn.  Using eight different colors of sock yarn creates a beautiful woven stitch design.  Even though I grumbled about the project about how long it was taking to complete it, I will definitely make this scarf again.  I have tons of sock yarn scraps!  I think I might use size 5 needles next time instead of size 4 needles.  I hope it will feel like I am knitting faster than the speed of light. No matter how fast the knitting goes, I am quite sure I will grumble about the second scarf in between the beginning and the end.


  1. Way to stick with it, Karen ~ it's great! I couldn't bear one more linen stitch so mine was frogged and the yarn donated to oneknitwit ~ with a deep sigh of relief since it was feeling like a chore to knit it ;)


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