
This weekend contained:

-family and friends
-lots of picnic food
-two graduation cakes (I might be tired of cake now!) for the graduation parties
-swimming and laughing in the pool
-a scared turtle that Frodo was barking at
-five loads of laundry consisting of sheets and towels from 10 family members staying overnight 
-sister time together at the LYS 
-sister help at the party
-not one single photo of the party because I was too busy talking and eating :D
-good weather even though there were thunderstorms in the morning and at night
-more tomato plants from my father! (everyone said you can never have too many tomatoes.....)
-fresh lettuce from my dad's garden~yum.
-tired sleep-deprived hosts

linking up with Amanda at Habit of Being


  1. Wow, five loads of laundry! I can barely get through one a day :).

  2. Sounds like a great time. Tired of cake?! Oh No!
    I haven'had coffee yet...doing the cleanse again. Not sure if I can take a body that's in it's 40's and get it back to how it was in my 20's, but I can try.

  3. Apparently I wasn't invited to the event of the year... What fun! Except for the towel part. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. sounds like a great weekend! and lots of cake!!! though sadly i'm not sure there is ever too much cake (i have the world's worst sweet tooth) ;-)

  5. What a great weekend! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    And you're right, you can never have too many tomatoes (or cake!).

  6. is that a wild turtle? how big is it? that's awesome!

    and, yes, you can have too many tomatoes....I raided my mom's garden as a kid, ate a bunch like they were apples and spent the next week covered head to toe in giant hives....on a road trip across 4 states....I was miserable!!!!!


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