Traveling Woman Shawl

And so it is finished.....Yay!  I have a feeling this will be one of the last projects finished during the summer. I highly recommend the pattern Traveling Woman, it is straight forward and a pleasure to knit up.  I did knit this pattern once before which I blogged about here .  I do prefer the solid color over the multi-colored.  Now if only there was some cold weather----ahem----then I could wear it!!!  

I think some of you have wondered how I wear these shawls and as pictured above I wear them as a scarf. I like this pattern because the triangle shape is very subtle.  I really like rectangles the best but sometimes I like to live on the edge :D


  1. Karen, it looks just beautiful and I love the color. I am going to have to knit one too! I wish we both had some cooler weather. Have a great weekend and a wonderful 4th.

  2. Gorgeous! I printed off this pattern and I think it's the first "for me" knit that I will make. Sometime this summer (I hope!).

  3. The shawl is beautiful and the harvesting looks amazing!! How delicious!

  4. Been looking for a shawl to make for my mom for xmas. I think I'll be ready to take this one on after I finish a slightly easier one I'm working on now.
    Thanks! Beautiful!!!!!!! Great color choice. I might have to steal that idea too.

  5. Oh this came out gorgeous! Love that color...hmmm...maybe I need to add this to my list.

  6. gorgeous shawl! and i love, love, love that color. i think this would make a lovely christmas present for a dear friend.

  7. Wow! That is gorgeous. I love the colour too. Jacinta

  8. This is so beautiful! I think I must try making one as a Christmas gift. What size did you knit?

  9. I think this is the perfect combination of colour and pattern. Gorgeous!


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