Don't Fence Me In

Two or three weeks ago, our dear Frodo started toescape from the fenced in yard.  Ah, the joys of owning a little dog.  We watched him and discovered that he slipped under the fence.  So my dear husband boarded up the areas where we think he escaped.

The lawn is quite uneven for half of our property and we couldn't lower the fence so we used boards which were our old flooring in our previous house, up-cycling at its finest!  I will not mention how many times I complained about hauling old wood and questioning why we kept it.  Ahem.

This past Saturday after a long day out shopping for dorm/apartment living, we were all sitting by the pool and relaxing when we saw Frodo slip out THROUGH the fence not under it.  He can fit through 3 3/4 inch opening!!!  Now I do not know if he has figured out he has to go feet first and not head first.  But we firmly have matched wits with a miniature schnauzer.  So we went to Lowe's and problem solved.  We bought 21 or 22 pieces of vinyl lattice.  On Sunday my son measured and cut while my husband attached the lattice to the fence.  I had the difficult job of supplying lemonade on ice.

Six hours later we have a new and improved fence...again!  And again Sunday evening, Frodo showed another area that needed boarded up (under this time-I am quite confident he cannot fit through the lattice).  So as of today, Frodo has successfully stayed in the yard.  I do not trust him and when he is out I am always bouncing up to check to make sure he is in the yard.  

If you are wondering why he is so curious as to what is on the other side I will tell you.  RABBITS.  He wants one very badly.  


  1. I tell you, dogs are worse than children for getting into things! xx

  2. Often I am so thankful to be the female... the bringer of the lemonade!

    I'm glad Frodo is now safe and sound. Hope those bunnies don't taunt him to badly. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. What a sneak! Sounds like your soon to be quieter house will be busy after all... ;)

  4. bad boy!!!! funny enough I am having the same problem with my ducks. I need to staple up a little garden fence on the bottom of the big fence today. But everytime I go outside to do it, I'm way too hot. It's almost 100 degrees here today. I HAVE to get to it tonight. Much like a dog with a rabbit in his mouth, duck poo on the patio is NOT ok.

  5. What a sneaky little thing he is! They are quite determined when there is something they want out of reach. Wolfie, too, likes rabbits. She once found a den in my parents back yard and err.. helped herself to some "snack bunnies".


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