Mustard Seed Cardigan Complete

How about these self portraits?  I think I am getting more creative in my old age.  As you can see by the buttons some of these photos were taken in the mirror.  Took me a bit to realize the image would be reversed  (snicker)

Well I am super pleased as punch with the sweater!!  These photos are before blocking because I was too darn excited to wait another couple of days while it dried.  So I am 100% sure that the button bands will lay nicely because I will block it into obedience..

I am so glad that I did rip out the first attempt because the fit is absolutely perfect.  I think if you are interested in a top down cardigan that is relatively easy to knit in worsted weight yarn you should give the Tea Leaves Cardigan a try


  1. Karen, the sweater is beyond beautiful! I knew when you cast on that I would love it. I want to do one for me, but need to finish my Christmas knitting first. xx

  2. Oh, I love the sweater! What a great color.

  3. Mmmm... wow! I want it. I don't want to make it, I want yours. Is that bad? ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. i think it looks great! and the color!!!!! i love the color :)

  5. Gorgeous! I love it :) I want to do one too.

  6. karen it is absolutly gorgeous! how thrilling to have a beautiful sweater in the most beautiful wool and to have it fit so well! beautiful work! i LOVE the color too, it's perfect.

  7. PERFECT!!! It looks just wonderful on you! I've had tea leaves on my to-do list for a long time, but I very rarely knit with worsted yarn; I might have to reconsider. I think Peasy is going to have a similiar look in dk--just hope mine looks 1/2 as good as yours!

  8. It looks gorgeous! I'm glad the ripping out and reknitting made it perfect :) That colour is stunning

  9. Well - that is just the most gorgeous thing - it looks such a brilliant fit - and what a colour. I do want to knit tea leaves,and i will sometime, xxx

  10. I love the color! I chose a shirt that color for my first day of high school, I remember it was so, so soft. Good photos, btw... ;)

  11. Oh look at it! It's beautiful! I'm so glad the second try turned out exactly the way you wanted it!

    I am definitely going to have to give that a try...I have a bunch of deep purple wool I don't remember ordering (or rather - I don't remember what I ordered it for...) & I think it might be the perfect fit for this sweater... xo

  12. Oh boy, Karen! It's beautiful, love colour it sooo lovely. One more thing I really want to cast on right now....finishing it might be the trouble.

  13. It's beautiful! You're so clever, and SO quick!

  14. It looks gorgeous! Enjoy wearing your Tea leaves cardi. Jacinta

  15. It is so beautiful! I aspire to knit that well one day!

  16. Wow! That is exquisite. I want to make one for me and in the exact same color too!

  17. this is fabulous! i've seen it many times, but i love yours in this mustard color. great shots!

  18. Wow--so gorgeous! Love that color and the texture of the yarn. Beautifully knit--well done! I finished a shalom cardi earlier this year and am wanting something with sleeves...might have to try this next.

  19. Beautiful! Can't believe I missed this post!

  20. So beautiful, Karen! You should be proud!

  21. I LOVE the colour. So gorgeous!


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