
This weekend contained:

A trip to Canada to visit family :)
A long time in the car on Friday and Sunday going up and back home.
The PERFECT weather for a lovely visit.
A delicious home cooked meal shared with family.
A walk through the downtown market and taking in the sights and sounds.
A super excited dog, when he was picked up from the kennel.

I will share where I was in Canada once I go through all the photos!

Joining Amanda at the habit of being


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Love the cookie pics. :)

  2. Woohoo! I know where you were. Hope you sampled those cookies!

  3. Can't wait to see more pictures! My husband loves to visit Cananda and one day I hope to tag along. Did you eat a few of those cookies? I sure hope so :)xx

  4. Sounds like a lovely road trip weekend! are the leaves changing already? and yummy looking cookies!

  5. We lived in Buffalo/Niagara Falls area many years ago--and fall trips into Canada are among my favorite memories. Looking forward to more great pics from your visit!! (You DID have a couple of those cookies, I hope!)

  6. Just look at those cookies! It was worth the trip just for that tantalizing picture... ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  7. The cookies on the left remind me of buttons or pig snouts.

  8. Beautiful cookies! ~ one day I will get to Canada! I bet the leaves are spectacular.

  9. was it too early for leaf peeping? hope you ate some of those cookies...making me want cookies myself now ;-)


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