Featherweight Continues

Remember this old thing?  Yep, it is my featherweight cardigan and I just finished the ribbing yesterday.  This project is very slow going with size four needles and lace weight yarn.  I also am making the smaller size than my first featherweight sweater.  I love the blue sweater but when I soaked and blocked it the size changed dramatically towards large.  It is still too large in the armhole shaping and the chest size.

So as I was photoing this sweater I am wondering will blocking make it bigger?  I can only hope.  At least it is not huge on me.  In the end I chose a simple 2 x 2 ribbing for the edging.


  1. Karen, it is beautiful! I hope one day to knit something as lovely as you do...wow!
    PS- book is wrap and will drop in the post when I am in town tomorrow. Have a great day.xx
    PSS- Yes, the squirrels must eat and I don't mind sharing [they ate half my pears], but last year they took all of the pecans! This year seems to be a bumper crop so there are plenty to go around. ;)

  2. That's some nice progress, with such light yarn & such tiny needles! I really love that colour! xo

  3. Beautiful colour. I am in awe of anyone who can make that much progress on anything in such fine yarn - I'm going crazy making a DK weight cardigan!

  4. We all wait with our fingers crossed for you!

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. love. love. love. love. the color and the weight of it. can't wait to see it finished!

  6. Don't you just love it when a "resting" project turns into a WIP that really might get done??? And you have part of it already finished! YAY!! That's fall, for you! So inspiring, these cool days.
    Can't wait to see the FO!!!

  7. it's going to be so pretty karen, just a bit longer to go. i do love knitting with small needles and wool. and don't you love the magic of blocking? :)

  8. I'm in love with that green. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  9. Wow, looking fabulous! Almost there - can't wait to see it finished!


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