Purple Passion Shawl Complete

This is one shawl that I am going to have a hard time giving away.  But it is for my favorite aunt who I know will love it and wear it.  This purple is such a saturated color I cannot help but be cheerful when I look at it.  The ravelry page is here.  (my arms look kind of big because I took the photo......)

I felt extremely confident that I had tons of yarn so I did two repeats of chart A instead of one.  I wanted this to be as big as possible.  Then I started chart B and realized that there was a very good chance that I would not have enough yarn.

So I eliminated four rows in the middle of chart B.  When I was closer to the bind off I decided to omit the last two rows of chart B and did the stretchy bind off that I just love to do on all of my lace shawls.  So because of my modifications the edging is not as scallopy as it is in the magazine photo.  Maybe if I knit this up again, I will have an extra 100 yards to be able to complete chart B as intended.


  1. That's so beautiful and you've finished it so quickly! I think I'm going to have a hard time giving away my current scarf too - but only because I'm not 100% sure my Mum will use it... hmmm.

  2. WOW! That is such a beautiful shawl. I'm sure your aunt will love it. I think I could adopt you! I only wish I had family members that were such lovely and generous knitters. Jacinta

  3. I would have a hard time parting with the shawl too. Karen, you did an amazing job and I just know your aunt will love it! Now you need to cast one on for you! xx

  4. I checked out your Ravelry page yesterday but never came back to post - it's gorgeous! I am completely blown away by how intricate and beautiful that lacework is. So lovely - your aunt ought to love it! xo

  5. Gorgeous - both the color & the knitting! Wish I were your Auntie ;-)

  6. This is fantastic! I love how dainty and delicate it is. You aunt will cherish and adore it, I would imagine :)

  7. You look fabulous in this!! Have you cast on for yours yet???????? Lucky, lucky aunt.

  8. Holy mackerel! That is beautiful. How long did that take? I swear you have fingers that fly.

  9. This is gorgeous!! I'm sure your Aunt will love it.

  10. This is beautiful! You're getting braver - I see your hair! I'm sure your aunt will love it - what's not to love about a lovely purple shawl. I can't get over how quickly you knit.

  11. That is so beautiful! The color is gorgeous and the lace reminds me of peacock fathers. i love it and I'm sure your aunt will too :)

  12. I am in AWE

    AMAZING and the yarn color is soooo beautiful. COngratulations

  13. This is unbelievably gorgeous! What a generous and loving gift for your aunt. I bet she'll love it.

  14. Wow, it looks amazing, colour and all! I can understand you'll find it hard to give away, but I'm sure your auntie will appreciate this very special gift so much!

  15. Gorgeous! I would have a hard time parting with it, too.


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