Shades of Autumn Challenge: Orange

I have woods that surround our property and yet orange this year was not abundant.  A big gust of wind came through last week and blew a ton of leaves off most of the trees.  I guess I will blame it on that.

The above photo is a sassafras tree and it looks so pretty with its leaves changing.

The autumn colors are mostly gone and the air is crisp when I venture outside with Frodo, my miniature schnauzer and partner in crime.  I truly love fall and winter the best.  I know I am extremely rare but I would rather be cold than hot.  Don't forget that I can wear all of the knitted accessories I create during these seasons which is a big bonus!


  1. Great "orange" photographs. I dropped in from "Shades of Autumn," but noticed your knitting photos. You do such a great work - your stitches are so consistent and I love the colors you use.

  2. I love these photos, especially the sassafras tree one. Gorgeous.

  3. These are beautiful photos! I love that sassafras tree. You live in a such a gorgeous place.

  4. oh how lovely, that tree is shining in the sun and i can almost feel how crisp the air is. (here it is cool too but different, it's foggy out and so very damp). you are so lucky to be able to wear all your beautiful knits now!

  5. I didn't know that Sassafras was the name of a tree (I only knew it as the name of one of the cows in the amazing kid's storybook "Sixteen Cows"). Every day's a school day! Lovely photos Ms Pumpkin.

  6. Fall and winter are my favorite too! Even though it's possible for me to complain about the cold in winter, I will *never* say something like, "I wish it was summer." Because I don't wish to be hot and sweaty. :) I do always long for fall once August and September arrive, though ... October is my favorite month. :)

  7. I love Summer, but I am with you..there is something about Winter and knitting and soup and chilly days and nights that is so wonderful. It's all good! I think it's all about just enjoying "what is."

  8. I love the 'orange' pictures. Very pretty.
    (BTW - I have nominated your beautiful blog for the Versatile Blogger award on my blog ;o)

  9. Love the orange everywhere! I so love this time of year.

  10. These are gorgeous. I LOVE ORANGE. And I love your blog title! :)

  11. You're not too rare. I'd rather be cold than too hot too. As my husband says, you can always put an extra layer on to warm up. What lovely orange pics. Did your partner in crime enjoy the time outside?

  12. The yarns on your banner are beautiful. Very Autumnal and cosy.

  13. Wonderful fall shots!--I posted photos of a Sassafras tree also :)

  14. Lovely oranges! I would have let you borrow my socks if I could!!
    Have a great weekend :).

  15. I knew we were sort of soul sisters from the first post I found--fall/winter are my nesting times, my favorite times of the year, too. The colors you captured are gorgeous; I really miss the intense colors of the northeast, but am grateful we at least get some color! And then---there are always the pumpkins!

  16. I had a hard time finding orange around these parts too. And red is proving to be even harder. But you managed some fab captures. Thanks so much for joining the Shades of Autumn Challenge.


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