To London

My husband and I were back in Canada, this time in London Ontario to visit his parents.  It was a quick weekend trip and it was the first time without the kids.  I have realized we get to places faster when it is just the two of us.  We also decide where to stop to eat faster too.  But I still missed having them with us.

His parents have recently downsized their house and over the summer they were in between moving from one to another and it just wasn't possible to visit.  So my husband and I did the trip, saw their little house and we had an outing to the Covent Garden Market in downtown London.  No where near as big as the Ottawa market but we still had fun walking about and window shopping.

The weather this past weekend was beautiful!  I love when it is chilly enough to wear a wool sweater but not freezing cold for heavy winter coats.  I saw lots of women wearing cowls.  I think they are definitely in style.

I originally thought this sign said "the little red rooster" and I was wondering what that had to do with coffee.....Hmmm.....I think I need to brush up on my reading skills.

I had to have a photo of these metal trees!  I bet they look fantastic when there is a ton of snow all about.


  1. Covent Garden Market in London got me all confused there for a minute! (Have to say, looks wonderful, arguably better than the original!)

  2. That looked like a wonderful, wonderful market to me!! (Our little farmers market is just about ready to close up for the season--and consists of MAYBE 7 tables on a good day!!) Glad you had such a pretty weekend for a road trip!

  3. What a beautiful place!!! Love that market and love those metal trees!! Canada is a place that is full of mystery for me. I just know that it would be a fantastic place to visit. And it's good to know that cowls are popular in the right places. I dont think anyone down here would have a clue to what one is, I know I didn't when I started knitting. Now I'll just have to make one and maybe start a trend down here :).

  4. What a great market! I had to laugh about your deciding where to eat is faster without the kids - this is sooooo true! Funny, when we were kids, our parents just said, "oh, we're going to such & such a place for dinner" and we were simply happy (yeah! oh boy, McDonalds? yippee!). When my husband & I say we're going out as a family, we get the big discussion from the kids, some bickering and an occasional "I don't like that food, do we have to go there?" or the "I'm not in the mood for that kind right now."


  5. I am in awe of that market. I have a feeling if I shopped there, I would blow my budget for the whole year!
    I have never been to Canada, but my husband loves to visit [ he goes to Manitoba] and my best friend's husband is from Quebec, so I get to hear all about it. One day I will get there!

    I am having tree envy and I have to see if I can make a metal tree...I love them!

  6. what a fun weekend trip, i would have loved roaming around that market too. it looks a lot like the chealsea market in nyc. i love to look, but feel quite overwhelmed and never buy anything. except i might have to try the butternut squash soup at the rooster/roaster place. :)

  7. It's about time cowls gained in popularity…they're so much easier to deal with than scarves are…

    Looks like you had a lovely time. xo

  8. I think Im overwhelmed...what a market.....eye candy for sure

  9. What a wonderful view of the city you gave us! Thank you for "bringing us along" on your trip!

  10. Aaaah, such a fun outing! I love sweater weather best, too. That market looks adorable. I'm laughing because I read the sign the same way you did! ;-).

  11. Looks like a lovely place to visit. The food at the market looks beautiful. The metal trees look like wonderful pieces of art. I love the little pop of red from the tree on the left. I bet everything is looking so gorgeous with all the leaves turning colour. Jacinta

  12. The market is a feast for the eyes--I enjoyed your photos so much!

  13. Oh I would love to go to that market! I don't think I would ever want to leave!


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