Yarn Along

I have been a busy person on the knitting front.  I did finish the shawl for my aunt-still need to update my Ravelry page so hopefully today or tomorrow.  When I was at the cabin getaway I worked on my feather weight cardigan and am nearly done with the ribbing of the body.  I know when this cardigan is done I will wear it all the time but gosh it does take forever on size four needles.   I also have kicked off the knitting Christmas gift frenzy with the above cowl.  I have a few ladies in my family that I think would love to receive this as a gift.  So, this is the first cowl of the three.  The yarn is from my stash and I am thrilled to be using up skeins that have been sitting around without a purpose.

My book is The Distant Hours which I am enjoying immensely.  She is a very good writer and can build up suspense at just the right speed.  I love a mystery and each chapter I read makes me want to keep reading the book.  I think books like those are hard to come by.  Well at least for me.  I also enjoy her writing style when she jumps from different decades giving you a snippet of information to the puzzle.  Quite enjoyable!

Joining Ginny at Small Things


  1. I guess it really is time for me to get my butt in gear for Christmas gifts isn't it? :) Yikes!

    Sounds like a good book! I think I saw my mom had it on the shelf too, maybe I'll borrow it when we're down again. Like I need any more books ;-)

  2. I always drool over the yarns you use! I am planning on cowls for several ladies in my family too, so we can knit along together!
    I'm glad you are enjoying your book. I have The Forgotten Garden on my wish list and I really need to move it to my cart! Have a great Wednesday! xx

  3. Oh I have got to get on the Christmas gift frenzy train...it will be here before we know it!

  4. That cowl is going to be so wonderfully snuggly :)

    I don't think I would have the patience for the featherweight cardigan. As much as I'd love one, there's no way I could keep going to make an adult garment on such tiny needles!

  5. It's a cowl frenzy! I am knitting several this year too. Love the color and your knitting is gorgeous. You have got to be one of the fastest knitters I "know".

  6. You sure have great taste in cardigans. Love the cowl as well and that beautiful blue color.

  7. karen i cant wait to see your shawl, how thrilled your aunt is going to be. i just finished ribbing on a size 1 needle, i thought would never end. i'm now on a size 3 for the body, i'm going to be here awhile.
    love the color of that cowl, i need to think of gifts as well.

  8. I'm really thankful for the cowl this year. Of course stash busting is wonderful, and quick, comfy knits are definitely at the top of my Christmas gift list!

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Hi Karen, I love knitting cowls too ;o) I love that they are so quick and easy. I usually try out a lacy stitch pattern I've seen in a knitting encyclopedia to make them. I really love that blue on your needles.

  10. The cowl reminds me of Forget-Me-Nots, such a pretty shade of blue.

  11. I would read that book simply for the cover alone. Love the color of the cowl. Very light and soft. I think cowls are on the Christmas list too this year - just need to match colors and patterns (maybe the same pattern?) for various people.

  12. Hm, I just checked out the featherweight cardigan link and it looks so lovely! That color is just right to go with anything and I'll bet the drape of that yarn will be perfect!

  13. cowls are such a great idea for christmas prezzies. still handmade but not the commitment of a lace shawl or sweater. also, they're so useful! so glad you're enjoying the book...need to crack my copy soon!

  14. The cowl looks great...is that a seed stitch? It will make a lovely Christmas gift!

  15. Pretty blue. :)

    I really ought to get started on my Christmas knitting ...

  16. You are so good starting the christmas knitting early. I must start soon...I must start soon...I must start soon!!!!

  17. Gentle reminders that gift knitting needs to be gotten on with, just what I need :)
    The blue is such a lovely shade, my daughters favourite for scarves and accessories.

  18. Goodness I can't imagine knitting a cardi on such small needles. I would probably go cross-eyed! :)

    Love the color you're using -- Mom and I saw a house that shade yesterday and she fell in love.

  19. The soft blue color of the cowl you are knitting is divine. I can't wait to see your shawl--and your Featherweight when it's finished. I knit a Wispy last fall, and I love it.

    You've completely sold me on The Distant Hours. It's on my to-read list :-)

  20. There is just something about the way those needles and yarn are arranged that got to my heart today. You are reminding me why I knit... to feel that yumminess running through my hands, to see the beauty of the completed stitch patterns, to hear the cries of joy when someone receives a handknit garment... Thank you!

  21. the color of the cowl is so soft. and i have to say, i know i have said it before, but i LOVE the top of your blog! every time i come to the page i just want to eat up all those yarns. lol


  22. That blue is so calming. Projects knit on small needles do seem endless--looking forward to seeing the finished cardigan!

  23. i read your post yesterday and loved your description of the book, so i was so excited today when i got it at my local library! i'm three chapters in and loving it. not so happy that my boy has a cold, but a little happy that he's a little laid up on the couch with me so i can read! thanks for the great recommendation. have you read all of her books?

  24. your cowl is beautiful, I love that shade of blue, so soft... thanks for sharing Kate Morton.. I am just now looking her up online, (I like mysteries too!)


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