Pumpkin Leg Warmers-Complete

Well these photos could be a bit better....but it is all I have at the moment.  I finished them!!!  Of course I have no idea whether they look good on legs yet.  I am waiting for my daughter to arrive today and then I will give them to her.  I am absolutely terrible at waiting until Christmas when I knit for the kids.  Plus she can wear them until Christmas and still be in the fall season and in an orange mood.

The ravelry page is here.  The pattern was very easy to follow and it was all charts, which I love.  I was able to knit these and watch tv!!  I hope I can remember to snap a photo of the leg warmer's being worn.


  1. They look gorgeous (and of course everyone knows I love orange!)

    I'm hopeless at waiting for Christmas too, hence telling my boyfriend about his hat - thanks for your comment by the way, I was hoping it would be a good hat yarn so it's good to hear that it is!

  2. well done! those look gorgeous and very comfy. going to check your ravelry notes for what yarn you used. it looks luscious!

  3. Those are fantastic! Julia loves the colour (her bedroom in our house in Buffalo was roughly the same colour those look on my screen here…). I hope your daughter loves them. xo

  4. Oh, Karen!!! They turned out great!! She's going to ♥♥♥ them!
    Enjoy your family together this week! Happy turkey eating!

  5. I second everything steph said! I do hope you can get a picture of your daughter wearing them!
    Have a lovely time with your children and soak in lots of love!'

  6. I love those. I am sure your daughter will too. I am hopeless at keeping gift secrets (especially from my husband). Enjoy your time this week.

  7. Those are beyond amazing! Can't wait to see them on your daughter....have a great Thanksgiving with your children home!

  8. Wow, they are lovely! Know what you mean about waiting until christmas. I am just finishing the first of hubby's gloves and I really, really need him to try them for size. I did think about just grabbing the next passerby but you know, I'd find that a bit hard to explain to hubby......

  9. Wow, don't they look cozy!! I bet she'll LOVE them, such a pretty pattern...

  10. I am head over heels in love with this pattern! Nothing this intricate works out so neat and clean when I attempt! Love it!

  11. beautiful karen! i love them, now i think i need a pair to make too. i know my daughter would love them (and need them in nyc)as well. and oh i love charts too!

  12. Gorgeous! If I had a dollar for every time I've said gorgeous on your blog, I think I could afford the new spinning wheel I want!

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. Those look so pretty Karen! I love the pattern. I think I will need to add this pattern onto my 'Things to knit' list!

  14. Karen, I FINALLY remembered to trace from Ravelry to blogger!! Woo hoo! I have so enjoyed seeing your FO on Ravelry and look forward to following along on your blog, too!! These are just too cute (I'm with you on not being able to wait!)! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  15. They are oh so lovely! I have to get over my chart fear-I know it's irrational.

  16. SO so cute and I love the color. I am just as impatient about gift giving myself! I am trying to finish a pair of legwarmers tonight for my daughter. Fingers crossed. House is cleaned. Turkey is thawing.

  17. these are totally awesome! love the color and the whole leg warmer notion! now to learn to knit!

  18. They're adorable! And the color is just perfect for this time of year.

  19. They look fabulous!


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