Shades of Autumn Challenge: Brown

To me Autumn usually means brown but I was surprised to find evidence of it very close to this week's challenge.  After all of the bright colors from the previous challenges I found brown to be comforting.  Of course, I have loads of brown on my property since I am surrounded by woods.  

I would not mind one little bit if fall would linger on.  It is one of my favorite seasons (besides winter).  I enjoy the crisp air and the dark nights.  More time for knitting.

Only the oak tress are holding onto their last bit of leaves.  Just like that the colors are finished!

I have blogged about this tree stump before and it never stops to fascinate me with all of the fungi that is growing on it.  When we first had to cut the tree down because of severe damage, I thought the stump was an eyesore.  Now....I just think it is such a great example of nature's beauty.


  1. beautiful post Swanski - I love those sunny leaves!

  2. Your stump is fascinating and they are all lovely.

  3. it really is beautiful karen, i love all your brown. and autumn, even though we don't have the seasons like you do, it is a favorite time for me also.

  4. That stump is really pretty! I wouldn't mind it if Autumn lasted another month!

  5. Love the first shot...I can almost see them dancing in the street!

  6. Beautiful much gorgeous light! Brown is comforting...and really lovely! I love your stump! So many interesting details and gorgeous bokeh in the background!

  7. all of these images are lovely. i especially enjoy the leaves in the second photo. and the stump...quite captivating :)
    like you, i love fall *and* the cold outside, the coziness inside.

  8. beautiful set! especially last photo!

    Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

  9. Great shots! I personally think the fungi is cool :)

  10. I love the fungi on that tree stump. I always find fungi so incredibly fascinating!
    Thanks for joining us in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday for our new theme, white. Have a great day!


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