
This weekend contained:

-watching the movie Iron Man and finding out I like superheros!
-sharing a dinner with good friends while laughing and talking about our kids and our animals.
-enjoying the time change Sunday morning and leisurely getting ready for church.
-being a little sad that in a few weeks the after dinner walk with Frodo will have to be before dinner or not at all because of the darkness.
-savoring a meal made by my husband-it feels like a vacation for me every time he cooks!
-chatting with both kids and looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation.
-only having two knitting projects and daydreaming about what should be my next project.
-a walk around the property with Frodo, snapping photos of all the fallen leaves and bare trees.  Only our oaks are holding on to their leaves.
-just being happy being.

Joining Amanda at the habit of being.


  1. Wow! It seems like you just got those kiddos off to school and now it's time for their 1st visit back. How wonderful. Love all those leaves and husbands who cook!

  2. I love when my husband cooks too! This time change is nice isn't it? It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Only two knitting projects? Want some of mine? ;)xx

  3. I'm also daydreaming about the next knitting project. I'm looking for the perfect bulky hoodie pattern...

  4. Being happy being....the perfect way to spend any day. :)

  5. Weekends are the best! I had so much more time to get ready for church too! I'll hate that though in the spring when that hour comes back to bite me!

  6. Such a peaceful frantic-free weekend! I think you have to be a mom who has raised children to really really appreciate these!!
    I loved 'being happy being'--sums it up so well!!

  7. My two oldest boys are very much into super heroes right now. Not a day goes by that I don't hear about captain america or spiderman or iceman. Or my oldest's favorite - Super G (that would be him)!

  8. Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see what you are knitting!

  9. Iron Man is full of awesome sauce. :-) But so are the movies about the other Avenger, too. (Thor, Captain America, The Hulk)

    Can you tell I had a brother that was REALLY into comic books?!

  10. oh yes, loved that extra hour of sleep! and i think my husband needs cooking lessons so he can relieve me of kitchen duty on occasion ;-)

  11. We enjoyed that extra hour for a more leisurely Sunday morning before church too. Oh! Your husband cooks? What a treat! And did he clean up too?

  12. Sharing a meal with friends or my husband cooking for us. . . yes, two delights!! Looks like a lovely weekend.

  13. I'm doing the knitting daydreaming at the moment too. Hmm, what to begin, what to begin...

  14. That's a great list of many of the same things I love. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, and your property is so beautiful.


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