
This weekend contained:

-a lot of alone time-my husband had a business trip that gave me a few days alone with Frodo.
-finally finally remembering to walk in the afternoon, I missed walking so much that my body screamed it needed some fitness.
-eating leftovers so I would not have to cook
-my birthday!!  (which is today)
-my husband returning home in time for my birthday :)
-a cheap dinner picked up at the grocery store along with mini cupcakes.
-watching two Harry Potter movies (4+5) so that the boring stockinette knitting of my husband's sweater would go faster in my mind.

Joining Amanda at Habit of Being


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a nice weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday Karen! I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your cupcakes!

  3. Happy birthday. Hope you had a lovely day.

  4. sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend to me! happy birthday to you!! yummy cupcakes :)

  5. Happy belated birthday! So glad your hubby made it back in time!

  6. Those weekends alone can be both so very lonely, but also the perfect time to get things done without distraction! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration!

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I love that you had some time alone over the weekend, always good to get in a bit of quiet time.

  8. I hope you had a lovely birthday! Sounds like a lovely weekend; I love how watching films makes stockinette go so much quicker.

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! i hope it was a wonder filled one.

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it was wonderful. Store bought cupcakes can really hit the spot sometimes,
    I've been knitting a shawl that is stockinette except for a few stitches in the middle. Boooooorrrriiinnng.

  11. I got a walk in yesterday and it felt terrific! Happy Birthday!


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