Yarn Along

Yes you do see a new project even though I have that sweater that is taking forever.  I just could not resist.  I really wanted a triangular shawl with fingering weight yarn (I did buy the patterns on Ravelry--going to go yarn shopping soon) so because I have to wait, I casted on a lovely blue lace weight rectangular shawl.  I have made this pattern before and I knew when I made it I was going to make it again.  It repeats easily and there is a knitting flow that I got into with the charts.  You know what I mean?

For my husband's sweater I am on the ribbing.  I have blitzed through the body of the sweater with the aid of two Harry Potter movies over the weekend.  I was going to go into a knitting coma if I had to continue stockinette with my podcasts.  I needed visual input with my listening entertainment.  I think I might do a broken rib for the ribbing.  It has to be a multiple of four or eight that I know for sure.

I am very nearly done with The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane and I have to say I have been enjoying it over all.  It is entertaining and fills me with ideas of visiting Salem Massachusetts.....now to convince my husband of a trip!  We'll see about that.  Underneath my book pile is a very beat up copy of The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  I haven't read it in a couple of years and I just felt in the mood for Scrooge like attitude.

Joining Ginny at Small Things


  1. Oooh, very pretty shawl pattern and I love the colour you're using :)

    I know what you mean about needing visual input if you're doing boring knitting, it's how I get through most of mine!

  2. love the look of that shawl pattern on Ravelry (every time I look I see something I MUST make... what's a girl to do?!)

  3. I bet the shawl will be lovely. Beautiful yarn! Husband sweaters are long knits, aren't they. ;)

  4. Broke a rib from knitting...ha, ha! You are very witting today Karen. Oh, and a fast knitter too. Wow, it seems like you just cast on your husband's sweater.
    Did your babies make it home safe and sound? I know you are going to have a fabulous visit and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Love the shawl--and something with "flow" (I DO know what you mean!!) might be just perfect for holiday knitting with family around!

    Just a tad worried....you are in the mood for a Scrooge like attitude???? (hee, hee!!!-- I think I know what you mean here, too!!!!!) Enjoy the read! It's almost time for us to yank out the Christmas Story, which I saw for the first time ever about 4 years ago.

  6. I can relate. I have three things on needles right now and cast on yet again another project.We knitters are crazy like that! ;)

  7. Ha ha knitting coma! You crack me up. I have only seen two Harry P's. I gotta catch up! I love that you have to start another project to while you wait on the other. I think I would do that too if I weren't so forgetful at times. ;)

  8. That shawl is beautiful. What yarn will you be using? I do love yarn store visits. I am in the midst of that mindless stockinette. It served its purpose while I was in the hospital with my daughter, but now I yearn for something fresh. Unfortunately I have another garter stitch sweater that should be started!

  9. I think that is exactly why I keep putting off knitting a sweater for my husband - the miles and miles of stockinette that will be involved. Knitting him socks is hard enough because it seems like they take forever, can't fathom a sweater ;-)

  10. Wow, knitting a sweater to me would be like walking to another state, I would never get there in one piece but you are doing wonderful!

  11. The yarn for the shawl looks lovely. I never imagine shawls to be a quick make, hence never having knitted one ;)
    I love the green yarn too, would be perfect on my man....

  12. Oooo that is itty bitty yarn! And what a gorgeous shawl!! I had to laugh at your term "knitting coma". That happens a lot with stockinette stitch it seems...
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Karen!

  13. What a cool shawl. Love the color!

  14. Oh yes - it is time to bring out the Christmas reads. I am always so awe struck by your knitting prowess - the shawls yarn looks so delicate and I love the colour of the man sweater. xx

  15. Oh, that shawl is gorgeous! I can't wait to see yours.
    Way to fly through all that stockinette. I tried knitting to the final Harry Potter movie this weekend - I was so tense I was flying throw the rows. ;)

  16. I am casually working on my Dad's sweater, but it's just not fun right now. It will probably be the last thing finished by Christmas.

    Oh Oh! I picked up a copy of that book from the library over the weekend! I hope to start it soon.

  17. LOL! In the mood for Scrooge :-) What a lovely colour of blue for your shawl. I love it that you get to make things for yourself! One day I'll get there - I hope!

  18. The green of the sweater is gorgeous, and the new shawl is lovely, too! I can seldom have one thing on the go at a time. :)

  19. i had a cozy weekend of knitting and movies too, the rain showed up to make it even more perfect. the shawl is so pretty, i love to reknit a pattern that was a pleasure.
    i've never read a christmas carol, i am going to get it immediatly and read it too, it's about time!


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