Yarn Along

For my knitting this week, I was a teeny tiny bit side tracked.  On the way to my dad's for Thanksgiving, I decided to whip up a pair of fingerless mitts for my son before he goes back to university.  While I was knitting the the car my husband said "are those finally mine?"........Okay now I have decided to whip up TWO pairs of fingerless mitts!  I am proud to say that the pattern is memorized.  I guess if you do something enough it is burned into your memory.  My on the needles project on the right is my purl ridge cowl.  I pick it up once in a while and work a couple of rows.  Easy peasy.  I am still working on my husband's sweater, no new news there.

For reading this week I had to buy this book "More Last Minute Knitted Gifts".  I will blame it on my blogger friend Lori Times Five who made this gorgeous sweater that I love to pieces. I knew when she casted on this project I would be buying the book eventually.  Well eventually arrived over the Thanksgiving weekend.  My other read this week is "Jane Austen Knits" which has quite a lot of patterns that I would knit up.  I will shamefully admit that I am still reading the Deilverance Dane book....

This has nothing to do with knitting or reading, but I think I am getting a cold  :(

joining Ginny at Small Things


  1. ooh - just went and looked at some of those Jane Austen knits photos on Ravelry - they look fun! Hope your cold comes to nothing (fingers crossed)

  2. No cold! Get out the lemon and honey!

    I've been eyeballing both of your current reads myself. I may need to pick up a copy of the Last Minute book!

    Feel better.

  3. I hope that cold stays away! We're fighting something here too and I'm about the mix up some garlic and honey to try to kick it's butt. The challenge will be getting the boys to eat any :-/

  4. I love some of the patterns in both of those books, can't wait to see what you start making! After the 2 pairs of mitts of course ;)

    Fingers crossed that you can stave off the cold.

  5. I hope that cold disappears!

    I've looked longingly at that Knitted Gifts book... now, I'm going to have to go see that sweater... oh, the rabbit trails knitting can take me on! LOL!

    blessings ~ tanna

  6. It really is great that your people ask for knitted things!! (I'm usually foisting things on folks!!!)

    A cold at this time of year is a double drag--lets' hope it's just seasonal allergies!

  7. I just ordered the Jane Austen magazine on Monday. I'm so excited! I can't wait to get it. I watched Mansfield park yesterday in anticipation! And have decided that I quite definitely need a shawl. (:

  8. I hava had my eye on that book for a year now and really do need to purchase it too. I love the little hat on the cover.
    I hope you can fight off the cold, but at least you have something to keep you busy if you can't. :) I haven't heard or seen Jane Austen Knits, but will have to look for it here.
    Feell better soon.xx

  9. Oh my, I just heard about the jane Austin knits from a friend. Can't wait to take a look myself. I've got a few pairs of fingerless mitt/ gloves on my to-do list too. Maybe I'll have the pattern memorized soon myself!

  10. That is absolutely one of my fave knitting books. I love the way you so blithely whip up fingerless mitts on the way to Thanksgiving dinner. Woman, you rock!

  11. I love that book too. So many neat little projects. The fingerless mitts are gorgeous!

  12. hahaha about your husband asking if they were for him- that is often how my knitting list grows too!

    I hope you get to feeling better very soon.

  13. Feel better soon! Knitting should help :-)

  14. Yay for fingerless mitts! You'll have two happy guys now. I don't know about you, but my husband is very picky when it comes to knits; so hooray for finding a pattern he likes.

    I love Lori; everything she knits turns to gold.

  15. Glad your hubby likes your knitting. Isn't knitting in the car lots of fun? I got a lot knitted during our long car rides both ways. I have that book and love it.

  16. Oh no, feel better soon! Love the Fetching mitts. I made a pair a few years ago. I think I may need to revisit that pattern. I have the first last minute book. All those pretty patterns make me yearn for the new one too.

  17. Oh...hope you feel better soon! I have heard great things about that book, but have never looked through the patterns. Fingerless mitts -- what a great idea for the men in my life...something about them seems manly :)

  18. I hate that impending feeling of a cold coming on. Get well soon!

  19. colds are no fun! rest and get some emergen c, hot tea and honey too ;-)

  20. Fetching is such a great pattern and there's nothing better than memorizing a pattern and just being able to knit. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  21. I've been perusing More Last Minute Gifts lately, too! Such a lovely one. I think some bookmarks are in my future!

  22. Hope the cold doesn't amount to much. I've a feeling the last minute book might come in handy around here soon....

  23. Oh no! I hope that you beat the cold before it gets you.

    My mom just got the Jane Austen Knits book, so I got to look through it over Thanksgiving ... lovely patterns!

  24. I have been wanting the Jane Austen Knits book- but have yet to find a copy!
    I love the look of your projects though :)

  25. bummer on the cold. cool knits! and... i love that book. i got it here from the library and have so many bookmarked pages that i think it a worthy purchase. have fun!

  26. The knits all look good... sorry you are sick! The knitted gifts book is wonderful... enjoy it!

  27. Jane Austen knits huh....? I sure do like Jane Austen, and I sure do like to knit.
    I guess your fingerless knits are a big success! Hope you stay warm and healthy!

  28. Aw, lovely things happening.. except that cold. I hope you'll get over it quilckly!

  29. Knitted gifts is a great book. I too am battling the cold, really need to knit but really need to go to bed. Yet I'm here! Hope you feel better soon.

  30. aw thanks karen, thats really kind of you. i love this book and have made a few things out of it already. but i'd have to say that leah's lovely cardigan is my favorite. it's just a beautiful pattern and knit. SO glad you got the book! and i do hope you feel better.

    (late to the yarnalong, today was a work day!)

  31. I happen to know that I am getting the More Last Minute Gifts book for Christmas... now I can blame you for telling me about the Jane Austen knits book!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  32. I love when a pattern settles into memory. Although just when I think I've got a pattern worked I often manage to mess it up anyways. I've been eyeing that fetching pattern for ages now - I need to try a pair soon!


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