
  (this is me swirling my camera around as I photo the Christmas tree)

This weekend contained:

-shopping, on a Saturday, with EVERYONE on the planet.....well, it seemed to me to be everyone on the planet.
-realizing that I am not going shopping on any weekends before Christmas-I dislike crowds and traffic and tend to lose my Christmas spirit.
-relaxing knitting, which means I am not under any deadline, it is a good feeling.
-dinner out with my husband!
-lots and lots of Christmas music "it's the most wonderful time of the year".......Yay, Johnny Mathis!  I also have the words to "Santa Baby" memorized, it is a selfish song that I cannot resist liking-- a '54 convertible light blue would look pretty nifty.
-knitting with my friends-honestly I think we laugh and talk more than we knit.  I always take simple knitting so I do not make any mistakes.

How was your weekend??

joining Amanda at the habit of being


  1. That is an awesome shot Karen; very cool!
    I have a dinner date scheduled with my husband
    for Tuesday, I am so excited! Funny, since we eat at home together every night!
    Shopping? Yeah, I need to do that too!

  2. what a delightful weekend (if you eliminate the shopping part); mine was a bit more hectic, but still holiday-ish, so good!!!
    I LOVE that photo! Would never think to "swirl"!!!!

  3. What a great weekend! I also made the mistake of running errands with a million people on Saturday. I too will not be venturing out anytime soon. It makes me a grumpy person. I have been blasting the holiday music as we craft and elf around here. My oldest (8.5yrs) commented, "that lady is crazy" I asked what he was talking about and he replied the lady singing about a convertible and ring. He also mentioned that she was trying to sweet talk santa - too funny.

  4. That is a really cool photo....I would not have known it was was a Christmas tree! I will be internet shopping the next few days....hoping to avoid the crowds too!

  5. i have been known to cast on a simple project for getting together with friends, that way i can knit but not be so distracted i mess up the pattern :)

    and i'm with you, no weekend christmas shopping!!! can't handle the crowds.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love the picture!


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