
This photo would be perfect if there was some SNOW in it....Sorry, I really am hoping for some snow and so far it exists only in my imagination.  I am fondly remembering last year's winter when we had some decent snowfall and some beautiful quiet frozen mornings.

My weekend was a little bittersweet.  I am seeing all of my coffee table (without piles of books) which I am thrilled to bits about, but I am seeing it because my daughter went back to her apartment on Friday. Oh well March break will be here before I know it (and so will the clutter!).

My weekend has been filled with reading and relaxing.  More football games because of the playoffs.  I am not a sport fanatic but I married one and sometimes I listen to what he says...sometimes. We also polished off all of the lingering left overs from the crazy holidays.

This morning at Mass I was a little sad that the Christmas carols are over.  It seems that Advent and Christmas fly by for me.  I also am loving the new mass editing more than I thought I would.  It almost echoes a more traditional Mass that I remember from my past which is kind of neat.

Linking with Amanda at the habit of being


  1. I was just talking with a good friend of mine who lives in Wisconsin. She too was mentioning what a mild winter they have had. I hope you get your snow! Oh, and March is my birthday, so it will be here very quickly.

  2. This weather is crazy isn't it? Snow fell for you in what...October? and now it's warm! Makes me a little worried about what summer will bring!

    It's so hard when are babies [they will always be babies to me] leave home. I am so glad you have your knitting to keep you busy until March arrives :)

  3. I bet you miss her! I can't imagine how hard it is to transition into that stage of motherhood.
    Sending wishes for cold snow covered mornings your way:))

  4. oh karen, i never knew the coming and going of our babies (like tracey i still call mine that) would be this hard. huggg.

    i wish there were snow too! i should tell you i live vicariously through you and everyone who lives where it snows! i love it.

  5. It's January--it really should be snowing. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it comes soon! (Because I really don't want it in March!!!)

  6. I hope you were cheering for our Saints this weekend! (and LSU today!) I am not a football fan but when your teams are doing so well, the football fever is contagious! I hope you are feeling better...you are so righr about March being here before we know it!

  7. I am looking for snow, too! This is a strange winter indeed. I saw some snow on the train (I think we were just entering Ohio at the time). This warmer weather has me wanting to be gardening!

  8. Oh to have snow... It is so hot here in South Africa right now.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2012.

  9. We're still getting used to the new Mass; our priest is good for explaining things at least. I miss Christmas, too :-(

  10. I love love love your new photos on your header!

    I haven't been to mass since they changed the format (I go to an Assembly of God church currently), but I've heard lots about it, and I am excited to hear it. I've heard good things about it thus far.

  11. I hear you, advent seems to fly by every year! Drives me nuts. But my husband and I run a Lent devotional website, and I start the preparation for the new devotionals when advent is over. Maybe if I got it done beforehand, or started later, I could slow down and appreciate the Christmas season more.

    Sorry to hear the bittersweet news of your daughter leaving. Your coffee table will be filled again soon. March is just around the corner. :)


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