Yarn Along

For knitting this week I have been focusing on finishing the cowl for my daughter before she goes back to her apartment on Friday.  I have about 7-9 rows to go.  I have great hopes that I will be casting off today and soaking in wool wash and blocking by tonight.  My other project that has gained my knitting attention is a new sweater that I blogged about yesterday.  I am winging it on the gauge......which means there is a good chance (50%) that I might be ripping it out.  I tend to knit whatever needle size is called for in a pattern so fingers crossed that this is true.  How I wish I would have documented the needles size on the first sweater.

I finished Digging to America and I really did not care for it as much as I had hoped.  There really was no conflict to be resolved.  More like a character exploration.  At the very very end there was some tiny minor conflict resolution that had me thinking "that's it?".  I am glad I finished the book.  So now I have started the eighth book in the Anne series, Rilla of Ingleside.  How did Santa know that I wanted this book???  He is just amazing sometimes.

Joining Ginny at small things


  1. That Santa is such a wise fellow!

    I didn't do a gauge swatch for my cardigan either, just went with the recommended needle size so I have my fingers crossed for both of us! :)

  2. I hope you enjoy the latest Anne book. :) The brown yarn looks so soft. I hope the gauge works out for you!

  3. I tell you those yarns are just yummy. I hate doing swatches. Sometimes to my regret. LOL! It is funny how in going back to repeat a pattern, I have realized how much I wish I had made better notes! ;) lovin' on those yarns... tanna

  4. I think I'm going to have to do a swatch for my sweater coming up, as my first adventure in adult sized knitting. Good luck, I hope it comes out just right :)

  5. I am pretty bad at knitting swatches and sometimes I end up un-knitting things. Love the color of the yarn for the cowl.

  6. Oh - more gorgeous grey yarn - and your daughter's cowl is beautiful. Pity about6 the first book, but I hope you enjoy the next in your Anne series. Good old Santa :) xxx

  7. WOW--are we all taking the leap of faith??? No swatch for me, either (and around town, I'm known as the swatch-Nazi!) I ALWAYS go down two needle sizes...wanted my knit to be slightly larger than the pattern, so only went down one. I've got fingers and toes all crossed for us.

  8. Good luck with your gauge! I've done that several times and have been okay a lot of the time. I hope the same for you!

  9. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you don't have to frog that sweater, Karen. ;-)

  10. Truly I hate swatching. Of course this attitude usually ends up causing me more frustration in the end. It just seems like such a hassle, knit, measure, reknit, wash, block...BLECH! Love the yarn you are using and all the fruit!

  11. Loving that cowl....yellow and orange sure do brighten things up right about now! I'm sure your sweater will be beautiful - crossing my fingers for you that your gauge is right :)

  12. I usually knit with the recommended needle size too until my latest scarf (had to go down 2 needles!). Hope it works out well. Rilla of Ingleside? Didn't know about that one. I really must start over from the beginning with the series.

  13. Oh I haven't read Rilla yet. I must get back to that series soon! Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. hee hee, swatching, i agree. hopefully your spot on and your sweater will be perfect!

  15. Both of those yarns look gorgeous - my 2 favourite colours :) Hope the lack of swatching isn't an issue and that your project comes out perfectly :)

  16. Rilla is by far the best book ever written, just my humble opinion! ;)

  17. Thanks for stopping by the World of Wiedz.

    I love both of those yarns. The alpaca makes me want to touch it. Good luck with the sweater.

  18. I always pay dearly when I wing it on the gauge and yet I continue to do so.

    The cowl will be scrumptious! Lucky daughter.

  19. What sort of wool wash do you use? Do you always wash and block your projects. Those yarns look awesome and I am in love with your stitch markers.:)
    Ang (peach coglo)

  20. I love the grey! Knit away, friend!

  21. Rilla! Oh, a beloved old friend. She's awesome.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  22. Santa is amazing indeed and he has a great taste in books! Loved that series!

  23. Rilla is my favorite of all the Anne books--I've read it the most of any of them. Enjoy it!

    I love the color you chose for your sweater!

  24. That's a great yarn you have there (the orange one)- beautiful colours :)

  25. I hope you haven't done too much if you're going to have to rip it out! I just frogged a scarf last week...sigh.

  26. Well done, Santa! I'm happy to see you reading L.M.Montgomery again.

    I love the orange of the cowl! Hope you got it finished!

  27. gorgeous knits!! Good luck on finishing the cowl!!

  28. I love, love, love the yarn you're using (you used?) for the cowl. So bright and cheery… xo


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