Millet Success

Yesterday I finally got around to making the millet patties from the Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook.  I took some liberty and changed some of the ingredients.  Instead of green onions I used celery and I used lots of spices because it was a little bland for me.  I must say that they were tasty!  I also really like that I did not have to worry about an egg being completely cooked through because there was not an egg in the recipe.  Do check out their website- They has some delicious items listed on their recipe page.

I also made a peanut sauce (from the same book) that my husband loved.  The sauce was supposed to be served with the steamed kale.  Well.......I over steamed it!  So that did not go over well.  Also my husband informed me that he does not like kale.....I did not know that and I am amazed that I missed the information at some point during other meals when I served it.  I think I need to put on my listening ears.

Anyways back to the peanut sauce...he loved it!  I am not a huge fan but it was tasty in teeny tiny dippings.  I would definitely make it again. I also served a green salad to balance out the meal-YUM!


  1. I feel healthier just reading this!!!! Yum! (And to think that the major "cooking" I did this week was chocolate chip cookies and Valentine candy.)
    Have a great weekend, Karen!!!

  2. I love Kale....I even eat it raw! But penut sauce on Kale...I just would not put that together but I would be willing to try it! My friend owns a farm and CSA and she keeps me well supplied with Kale so I need some recipes for it..Have you tried just stir-frying it with a bit of soy sauce, some fresh hebs and your favorite seasoning....YUM! Even your husband would have to like it.

  3. Karen, those look amazing! I have a jar of millet here and really must try this. My husband doesn't like kale either! He eats collards and spinach,but won't touch kale, weird! I love to just roast it with a little salt and EVOO-yum!
    I hope your weekend is extra special!

  4. Sounds yummy. Nothing like extra spices to make things taste really good. Jacinta

  5. That sounds so yummy. I can see I'm going to have to buy another cook book. By the way, your Sprouts Shawl is GORGEOUS!! Just love it!

  6. I love millet and those patties look so yummy. That cookbook sounds great. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. Thanks for the link Karen! I love Kale and generally make my guys eat the good greens anyway lol. The meal sounds delicious.

  8. I want to try these! No one in my family likes Kale except for the rabbit and chickens :-)

    It's always so inspiring to see people trying new recipes.

  9. how can someone not love kale? Poor misguided man. :) (Husband was iffy about kale at first too, but it grew on him, he especially likes the kale chips....yum!).

    all of it looks so yummy! Makes me wanna try it out. :)

  10. looks yummy! maybe he'd like kale chips.

  11. These sound delicious! I just checked our library to see if they have this book and they don't. Bummer!

  12. Now, these look good... but the chocolate chip cookies! THEY look mighty tempting! LOL! Hope you don't get the crud from the coughers! blessings ~ tanna


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