
Oh boy was this weekend full of fun!  There was sister visiting (more on that tomorrow).  Yarn shopping. Dessert eating.  Pen and paper buying!!  Seeing my Favorite Aunt and Uncle.

Tell me which is better, buying a new book and smelling the fresh ink?  Or.....buying a new notebook and pen and writing in it?  I think both are filled with bliss.

The ride home today was filled with snow, wonky windshield wipers, low windshield wiper fluid and a visit to a gas station to solve that problem.  One lane driving on an interstate because of snowy roads.  A four and half hour drive took almost six hours....but I'm home and there is barely any snow here.

Late this afternoon we picked up Frodo who was wiggly and happy to see us.  Unpacking, laundry sorting and scrounging around the freezer for a meal (I found curry!).

I will post some photos of our visit tomorrow!!

Joining Amanda


  1. you yarn shopped, got new writing and reading materials, got home to your see sweet Frodo AND found frozen curry?
    dang woman. you got it so good.

  2. Sounds wonderful! I love your journals and pens... makes want to write!

  3. What a wonderful weekend! Sounds wonderful, it is always a joy to see favourite family members. Love the new notebook and pens.

  4. WOO!! What a weekend! Can't wait to hear more about your visit with your sister. :)

  5. sounds like fun! glad you found some curry in the freezer (yum!) and that you made it home safe in the weather. p.s. i think buying a blank book and new pens is better!

  6. Oh such joys. New book or new journal?? That's a hard one...

  7. Those notebooks are sooooo pretty!! Makes me want to get mine out & journal :-) I'm with you....new book & fresh ink AND new notebook & pen. They both are pretty darn good!

  8. Sounds like you weekend was filled with many wonderful things Karen, even with a scary snow ride home.
    I hope you had a great time with your sister and I really think it's a tie between new books and notebooks.

  9. Okay, I'm envious of that kind of visit!! LOL! Yarn shopping and good food and good company AND pens and paper!! One of my good friends refuses to go into an office supply store with me! LOL! I do so love pens and paper... not quite as much as I love yarn though! ;) Glad you had such a fun visit with your sister. blessings ~ Tanna

  10. I've always thought there is some kind of correlation between knitting and the love of stationery supplies!!! (and books). What a great weekend--and you didn't even go into yarny details!!! Do they call this a teaser in the world of marketing? I'll be back tomorrow for part 2!

  11. hmmm...new book or new journal? couldn't make that decsion, i'd need both!

  12. Sounds absolutely delightful. So glad you arrived home safely!

  13. Reading and writing goodies. I can't decide which I like better - both are definitely filled with a little bliss! :)

  14. glad you had a wonderful visit.

    a new book or a new notebook, now that is too hard to choose between!!


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