Yarn Along

I've decided to start another baby cardigan like this one. The yarn is Cascade 220 and I think it is nearly a full skein.  My husband and I know two couples who are expecting babies and I cannot remember when they are due.  I have a feeling it is sometime in the spring so yesterday was a good day to cast on a quick easy project.  I finished the sprouts shawl and it is still drying in the guest bedroom.  I think today will be its photo shoot and the post will be tomorrow.

My other knitting projects, periwinkle frost shawl and the hawthorne cardigan are still on the needles and have been progressing very slowly.  I apparently have a hard time dividing my attention equally.

I finished The Kitchen House this past week and it was a very good book and I would recommend it.  The whole storyline was sad and contained frank realities of pre civil war slavery.  I really enjoyed how the author did not go into graphic detail to any of the violent scenes (and there were many).  I am sqeemish.  And yet without the detail, I still felt awful and empathetic to the characters of the book.  This book also read easily and quickly went from one event to another.  Never a dull moment.

I started Rebecca last night because I was in the mood for some traditional gothic romance.  I've read this book a long long time ago.  It is like a new read because my memory has dimmed as to the specifics of what happens.

Joining Ginny


  1. I just read that Cascade 220 is the top yarn and I bet for babies it's wonderful!
    I haven't read Rebecca since high school and now can't remember if I liked it or not....I think I still have my copy :)
    Happy Yarn Along!

  2. That's funny - Rebecca is on my reread list too :)
    I love the color of the yarn!

  3. That yarn is so pretty! I have not heard of Rebecca, I might have to look for it at the library if it is that good!

  4. Lovin' that yarn for the baby cardigan and I cannot wait to see the Sprouts shawl! I need to whip out a couple of baby items, too. I'm finding it hard to have any time to knit right now... I've been too tired at the end of the day to pay attention! LOL!

    I could read Rebecca again myself... memory is not quite what it used to be. ha. blessings ~ tanna

  5. Looking forward to seeing the finished Sprouts!

    I'm in the mood to knit something for someone small right now. I've been fidgeting for a project since yesterday. I need a little to knit for!

  6. The yarn is very pretty. I read Rebecca a long time ago in German but I no longer have it. Maybe I should try it in English. I am starting a small project today too.

  7. I have been trying to get into Rebecca, but I haven't had much success.
    I think I have been reading too late at night.
    I do love me some 220, though.
    Probably my favorite yarn.

  8. Love picking up an old read. There is an art to leaving enough years between each read.

    I live the colour of your yarn. I really ought to think about a baby knit for a friend of mine. She's due this month. There is time - I think!

  9. A little niece is expected around thse parts in May. I just made her mama some socks, and I think I may use the scraps for some baby booties or socks. I do love those small handknits. I already have The Kitchen House on my holds list. I will have to add Rebecca. I don't believe I have ever read it.

  10. The yarn is going to make up a beautiful baby sweater! I love the color. I read Rebecca in high school and really liked it. I think it's time to re-read! I'm getting so many reminders from these yarn alongs of books read a long time ago that I really liked!

  11. Lovely yarn! That will be a very sweet cardigan for a little one. :)

  12. I loved loved loved that cardi when you did it in greys--this will be equally lovely!!! Funny, I just cast on for a baby sweater, too--my daughter's very first friend after we moved here (oh, my--32 years ago!!--and is still her best friend) is having her second child. Just another excuse to knit little!!!!
    Can't wait to see the shawl!!!

  13. Memory dimming is a constant occurrence in our house...books, movies, tv...you name it. I forget until I remember. :) The Kitchen House sounds very good. Can't wait to see the shawl. The baby cardigan is such a lovely pink.

  14. what beautiful yarn....perfect for a spring baby cardi! That's a pattern I have wanted to try as well! Happy knitting!

  15. love the heathery pink of that wool. have fun baby knitting!

  16. Beauitiful colour, it'll be a cute sweater!

  17. Pretty yarn! I'll be looking forward to seeing all your FO's.
    I remember reading "Rebecca" 110 years ago and liking it - wonder if I still have a copy lurking around somewhere - I'd like to read it again.

  18. that yarn color is pretty!!! and rebecca...such a good book but like you, it was read so long ago i could probably stand a refresher.

  19. I love Rebecca; it is such a great book. I am definitely going to check into your other read because I do love good historical novels. I must admit that I have never knit for a baby although I think I might have to ... I do have the yarn.

  20. I love cascade 220. That color way is gorgeous!

  21. This looks like a great pattern I will have to add that to my ever growing list of knitting projects to do!! lol

  22. I was just looking at The Kitchen House the other night and considering it for my next fiction book. I was worried it might be a little too heavy hearted though. Did you find it hard to read at times?

    Cascade 220 has always been one of my "go to yarns" for worsted wool. Can't wait to see more of the baby cardigan. :)

    Cynthia @

  23. Those books can be hard to read. I have a few on the Holocaust that I haven't touched just for that reason. That yarn is gorgeous-looks like fruit.
    Ang (peach coglo)

  24. I love knitting with Cascade yarn; and I love it when I haven't read a book in so long that it seems "new" all over again! :)

  25. That little cardigan is going to be so sweet! I'm looking forward to the reveal on your sprouts shawl!

  26. Love the colour of the yarn you're using, so pretty :)

    Can't wait to see the finished shawl though, I shall be waiting very impatiently!

  27. Those baby cardigans must be addictive! But why wouldn't you want to knit something so sweet and adorable? Can't wait to see the sprouts shawl!

  28. Lovely color for a baby sweater.

    Thanks for the tip. I just put my name in the library queue for The Kitchen House.


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