This Moment

Joining Amanda


  1. what a great picture!!! we both have food on our minds this week!!! Happy weekend!

  2. Yum yum!! I love my mom's homemade fries. And I love this little potato cutter you have!

  3. What a great potato cutter that is! Too bad fries are off my list of what I can eat...
    My moment: My Moment

  4. I need one of those... I had forgotten about home-made fries!

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. Oh yum! I could eat my weight in fries!
    Have a great weekend Karen. Does your son
    come home this weekend?

  6. Ooohh chips :) yum yum

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  7. What a cool contraption! I see fries are in order.

  8. What is that contraption for making potato fries? How will you season these? s&p only with oil or fancier?

  9. That is awesome! Where did you find it? Mama want! Have a great weekend!!

  10. Is there anything better than homemade fries? Probably not.

  11. fries, yummy! enjoy! would love to have that thing you're using to cut them, seems like it's from the good old days! :)

  12. looks like the start of something good!

  13. So good!! I found one of these at our local Goodwill store and grabbed it quick. We love it... the kids like to help press it down while I hold on. I like that it has pieces you can change the thickness, too. Although, mine is not as pretty... love that color! Have a lovely weekend!

  14. That gadget looks like a great one! I will have to keep my eyes open for one. Blessings, Tami

  15. Such a cool gadget and luv this moment too,.

  16. nothing is as good as homemade french fries. yum!!!

    happy weekend friend :)

  17. Oh, yum! And I love the cutter. Looks so much easy (and prettier) than doing them by hand like we do.

    Mine was a different sort of moment this week, a just for me kind of excitement:

  18. Oh! I wish I had one of those! So cool!!

    Mine is my attempt at homemade bread. It's not perfect, but I am getting better!

  19. Oh my! My weakness - my husband's homemade wings & fries! It's terrible, but oh so yummy! I do have to ask - where can I get your contraption there? I am sincerely wanting one if you could point me in the right direction?

    The kids were labeling the sprouts this week. I guess our lil' lovie didn't think much of the lettuce he was in charge of...

    I really hope you will take a "moment" to come by! :)

  20. That would certainly make life easier when making chips. I bet they were tasty. Have a beautiful weekend. Jacinta

  21. Homemade fries are the best, hope you enjoyed them :)

    Have a lovely weekend.

  22. yum!
    and such a better method than my, "please don't cut me!" knifing skills while making homemade fries. :)

  23. oh those are the best! My husband bought me one of these and a deep fryer for my birthday last year..(I think he had a hidden agenda on that one:P) and I have to say, we can't go back to frozen fries anymore.

  24. I need that gadget! I am such a gadget geek and I am so tired of hand cutting our sweet potatoes. :)

  25. Thanks for stopping by and not forgetting me during my "blogging sabbatical"...I see you have been busy knitting some beautiful things...why am I not surprised! Glad all is well with you too! Is this a new toy?

  26. Karen!!!!! Missed ya lady... Love your patina shawl--faaabulous !!!! And look at that cool fry cutter!!!! Btw, I will need your knitting expertise. Messed up on the armpit holes on my sweater. One side is nearly two inches longer than the other!! Aaagh! Wondering if I can just fudge it when I bring the seams together....will have to email you separately when I find more time, probably after we find a place to live....
    happy weekend to you!

  27. Ooh, I love kitchen gadgets - and chips too - yum xx

  28. Totally wishing I could try on your shawl. Super envious. I need this -- wondering if I could find one for a Kitchenaid. Nonetheless, lovely picture that makes my mind spin to hamburgers and pickles and salt and.......


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