Yarn Along

My color affliction shawl is progressing steadily.  I can see why everyone has this as their project on ravelry because it's addictive and fun.  Who knew that knitting garter stitch in different colors could be so entertaining?  I am on the third section that adds the third color and the short row shaping.  I can easily knit this and mulit-task.  I am already dreaming of other color combos.  Now that I have the pattern and have knit it once, I have an idea of how much yarn is needed for each section so maybe I'll be using up some odds and ends?

My other project is the cowl that is of my very own design.  Since last week, I had to rip it all out and start all over.  I just wasn't very happy with it.  I think I'm on the right track now.  Yesterday I was just wondering if I have enough yarn to do enough repeats......oh well.  I don't mind ripping out again if it doesn't work out.  The weather around here is NOT cowl weather so there's no rush in knitting it up.

As I mentioned last week, the reading is very very minimal.  My daughter was home for spring break last week and now my son is home this week.  Oh and this time change has been brutal for me!  So when I read in bed, I end up sleeping in bed with a book.  Anyways, I'm reading The House at Riverton by Kate Morton.  I just love how she weaves a story together and I also enjoy how she jumps from different time periods.

Joining Ginny


  1. I cannot stand ripping back my knitting! It just breaks my heart. That and I'm impatient and more likely to scrap the whole thing :-/ My hat is off to you! Can't wait to see it completed. :)

  2. I love how easily you talk about ripping back as I feel the same way about it that Kate does. Gosh, just thinking about it makes my heart race!
    I am glad you are enjoying your shawl knitting and I can't wait to see it complete.
    Happy yarn along.

  3. I had to rip back my purple project this week, too, after realizing I had skipped an increase row.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished cowl (I'm going into a blue mood I think!).

  4. I'll have to check out that shawl. I love the idea of the different colors.

  5. Love the shawl - maybe I should try it. It would give me good practice on colorwork. Enjoy your time with your children!

  6. Your colours work really well together, very pretty!

  7. I just finished knitting a simple slouchy hat of my own design, it turned out great. I need to write down the pattern before I forget. A shawl is on my list next! Blessings.

  8. I just bought some yarn for the color affection shawl.....just love how yours is coming along!!! Ripping doesn't bother me much, either--rather have it right. Can't wait to see your design!!!!

  9. Beautiful shawl! I love the way the colors are working out so far. :)

  10. Love colors! I never mind ripping out projects either. I know if I dont it will be worst than having to start over. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I like the colors you chose for your shawl. Garter stitch addictive, huh? Maybe I'll have to give that pattern a shot.

  12. This time change is KILLING me! *Yawn* I can't wait to see your finished shawl because I love those colors. Good luck with the cowl. My husband always cringes when he sees me ripping something out. He doesn't understand. All he sees it all that work disappearing with each pull. Enjoy your son's visit!

  13. Love the shawl and the color changes. Sounds like I'll have to join in with this one - I love stripes. I'm with you with the time change - I just remarked to my husband this morning how difficult I'm finding it to be -just when I was getting used to getting up earlier (because the sun was up), the time change occurs and I'm getting up later...my internal clock must really need that sunrise.

  14. That shawl as well as a few of her others (oh and a sweater from her) are all sitting patiently in my queue. I realized though as I pack that I have quite a bit of yarn (all of which I love after doing a stashdown). With so much yarn, I cannot really justify more for the shawl. Yet.

  15. Both projects look great! I hope your cowl turns out ok... I don't design these days, for my own sanity!

  16. I'm going to have to go Ravelry surfing to see a finished shawl. I love the idea of being able to carry this one with me for mindless knitting. I've found that it's really all I have time for right now. The more involved patterns are still sitting on the needles while I share the traveling works finished. I really love your color choices. Great contrast!

    Blessings, Debbie

  17. I'm going to have to put that shawl on my "next" list; I'm already in the middle of garter stitch love, so it seems logical for a next project. I love your colors.

  18. love the colors so much! right up my alley!

  19. your colors are beautiful for your shawl, mine is still sitting here waiting to be cast on, i'm trying to be good and finish up whats on my needles first!

  20. Your shawl does look like fun! I thought about starting a cowl too, but I probably wouldn't get a chance to wear it until next year, we finally have spring here!

  21. The House at Riverton is the only Kate Morton book that I haven't read yet... although it is sitting on my bookshelf :) How do you like it compared to her other novels?

  22. Color changes are addicting! Glad to hear you are liking the book. I've read The Forgotten Garden. I did like how she shifted from different time periods. Keeps you engaged.

  23. Can't wait to see your shawl!!!

  24. Love the colour affliction shawl - great pattern and love your colours.

  25. I'm loving the colours in your shawl. I hope the cowl works out ok for you. I love hearing about good books. Jacinta

  26. Those colors look so fun! Glad for a new book suggestion as well :-) I love books!

  27. The shawl looks wonderful. I am glad it's so fun. The time change is kicking my behind too. I actually passed out last night trying to knit.

  28. Two very nice looking projects - sometimes simple is better.
    Love the 'basket weave' looking cowl project that colour looks soft and snuggly.
    Enjoy the knitting.


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