Yarn Along

I am sure the first thing you noticed is that I am reading a different book.  Yes, I finished The House at Riverton and once again Morton wrote a brilliant novel.  It was even her first novel.  She has a talent of weaving a tale and carrying the reader along with interest.  What sets her apart is she has some incredible twist to the story line and the ending leaves you shocked, sad and blown away.  Yep.  It's a good book.

I started to read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and it's too early to tell whether I like it or not.  So stay tuned in for next week's yarn along.  I'm confident I'll still be reading the book since I read at a snail's pace.

My cowl is complete and I'm thrilled with the results.  It's my own design and if you like, you can print out the pattern from my blog.  I'm continuing to love and savor the destiny shawl.  The pattern is so much fun to knit---and it's garter stitch!  Who knew different colors of garter stitch could be so entertaining?  On the left is some left over Ultra Alpaca that I've cast on for a hat.  I know I don't have enough yarn so I'll be striping with another yarn.  I'm thinking another purple right now but I might change my mind.

So far this spring season is a little crazy.  We turned the AC on last night.  I was just too hot and today it's supposed to be almost 80 degrees!

Joining Ginny


  1. I wanted to thank you Karen for the great cowl pattern. I linked back to you in my post today since the cowl is on my needles.
    We have been in the mid 80's here all week and while I have not cut the A/C on yet, I have been tempted. It's going to be a long summer! :)

  2. I find garter stitch strangely mesmerising - I have since I made a log cabin style blanket (all acrylic, all garter stitch - you'd expect it to be mind numbing but I love every minute of it!)

  3. I love the colors in this picture! So pretty! And that book looks really interesting.

  4. I think you are knitting for our weather! Oh to be putting an A/C on. Your stripes look good. I know what you mean about garter and different colours. It almost works better than a solid block of colour.

  5. I'm loving the colours on your Destiny Shawl! I'll have to put the House at Riverton on my reading list, i didn't even know she wrote it before The Forgotten Garden.
    Happy yarn along day!

  6. Your shawl looks lovely! It has been really warm here too. I kind of like it though!

  7. The colours of those stripes are just gorgeous together. And it happens to coordinate with your book, which makes me smile. I can see the enchantment of watching the textured garter stitch stripes emerge. So lovely.

  8. thanks for the pattern! It's lovely! And your shawl is coming along so nicely!! Happy knitting!!

  9. We've had the a/c on for at least a week. It's ridiculous. Some days I can have the windows open when I wake up until about mid-afternoon. Then it's just too darn hot!

    I'm seriously loving the color combination in your shawl!

  10. I really can't wait to see your finished shawl! I love the striping. It's quite warm here too and while we don't have the a/c on yet at least they turned off our heat! (Our apartment building is blessed with super abundant heat, to the point where we keep windows open nearly all year round - except when the a/c is on.)

  11. I am loving seeing your progress on the Destiny Shawl. It really is going to be gorgeous! It's been warm all week here too, although thankfully not enough to need the AC!

  12. Oh that shawl does look wonderful and perhaps even simple enough for me to try.
    Enjoy this amazing weather!

  13. We're playing the seasonal "how long can we go without turning on the a/c" game. The house is HOT by the end of the day--but seems to cool off some at night. I'm the "hot, flashing mama" and I'm married to a "chilly billy"--at least I convinced him we HAD to take the electric blanket off the bed!!!

    I really love your destiny shawl--I think I like your colors better than mine; I used a variegated for one of the colors and I'm not sure it works as well.

    Read Mr. Pettigrew's Last Stand--enjoyed it while I read it (I think I listened to it on audible) and can't remember a thing about it. HMMMMM. I'm wondering if it really was all that good. Anxious to hear your view.

  14. I love me some garter stitch! I am not so keen on changing colours--all those ends to weave in! I read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, and I liked it. It is what I call a gentle read, but still rather endearing. I'm a Kate Morton fan too!

  15. The cowl did turn out great! Knitting one is on my "to knit list", I definitely have enough left over yarn to be able to knit one. :-)

  16. send some of your warmth my way! we are freezing up here :~) Blessings!

  17. I say this about all your projects but I really LOVE this shawl...it is so pretty..the colors go together beautifully - shades of Spring! I could do this one too (I think)! You are just such a fast knitter...it never ceases to amaze me even though I have been watching you knit for over a year now! I am sure by the next post, it will be finished...:)

  18. Your shawl is really coming along. I love the colors and can't wait to see it finished. Your cowl is awesome, too! Love all your projects, you're inspiring!

  19. It really is looking gorgeous! And you cowl does looks heavenly.

  20. I love the stripes on your cowl! sounds like you've got the same kind of crazy weather we've got: our kind of spring means one day it feels like summer, and the next like deepest winter.

  21. laughing as we've been running the ac for weeks now ;-)

    can't wait to see that finished shawl! love the colors you've chosen. and having read all three of morton's books and LOVED them, i quite agree with you ;-)

  22. No AC here. After weeks of mid 80s we dipped to the 60s. DH wanted to turn on the heat! Love the shawl; I have the stripe study on my list to accomplish during our sojourn.

  23. I always enjoy reading about your knitting projects. I will have to put House at Riverton on my to read lst. Happy Yarn Along Wednesday!

  24. oh your shawl looks so pretty karen! the colors are just gorgeous. i love garter stitch, it is like comfort food. we have had one of the coldest spring seasons ever, our heating bill was so high, i'm making myself keep it down (or off). i am forced to wear (and make) lots of knits. sigh. :)

  25. I cracked open all the windows yesterday here to let some fresh air in the house. It felt so good.

    I love that shawl! Can't wait to see it all done.

  26. 100% with you on striped garter stitch this week - it's hard to beat!

  27. I love love those colors - no wonder you're enjoying that shawl! Those colors are such a happy combo!

  28. I am totally into that mustard yellowish color this season. And striped garter stitch is really a great surprise to me, who knew! Fantastic knitting. And thanks so much for that free pattern!

  29. Lovely! I have to pick up House at Riverton sometime soon... Sounds delightful!

  30. Really liking the color combinations in your shawl--and it's always a bonus when it coordinates with your book! ;)

  31. Thanks for stopping by the World of Wiedz. I love the colors of your yarns. And the crazy weather is causing comments everywhere. Sunny and warm in the northeast where it should be chilly and snowy in the northwest where it should be raining!!!

  32. I love your shawl. I'm itching to try that pattern. It's so pretty.

    You've turned on the AC!?! Wow! I'm sitting here in a wool sweater still. :)

  33. I am in love with your shawl and the colours your chose, so awesome!

    We have had some lovely weather here too, been working in the yard all week, unheard of in March, we are usually still covered in snow.

  34. Gorgeous colors! I've been waiting patiently to cast on that pattern... hopefully soon!

  35. I LOVE the colors you're using! So beachy!

  36. I love those Quince colors! Such pretty stripes!

  37. Miss Lady you are just too talented! Thank you for sharing your cowl pattern! Your multi-colored yarn is gorgeous; I just love your stripes!

  38. I love your new cowl! (I tried to comment on that page but my browser was acting stupid & it wouldn't let me, lol.) I think it might be just the ticket for my next knit for myself... And I cannot wait to see how that beautiful, colourful shawl turns out! xo

  39. I am excited to hear what you think of this read; I have heard of it from a couple people, but have not picked it up yet. Hope you have a good day!

  40. Beautiful stripes! As always, I love the colors you've chosen.

  41. I'm enjoying watching the shawl grow, the colours look so wonderful together!

  42. I love the stripey! And your cowl is gorgeous!
    Funny that you turned on your AC b/c we woke up to snow this morning!

  43. We turned the a/c on for a couple of hours last night, too. I have been patient with this early spring, but I wanted to sleep and sleep comfortably, so I gave in. Now we're due for a cool front!

    I can't wait to show Mom your cowl pattern. I know she is going to love it!


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