Growing Slowly

I thought it was time to show you the growth of my Harmony Shawl.  I am loving this project more and more every time I sit down to knit.  I have around 800 yards of this cobweb yarn (jojoland harmony) and I am going to knit until I run out of yarn.

I am on the 7th tier and each row is taking around 20 minutes?  That's a guess.  I haven't timed it. This pattern is perfect for knitting while talking or not paying attention, I do both very well.  There are two increase rows on every tier, that's the only time I am chanting numbers out loud so to not make a mistake.  If I am off by one or two stitches, no big deal!  I just add them in somewhere.  This shawl is a "fudge-able" shawl :)

Do you have any simple shawls that you love to knit?


  1. It looks lovely! And we're using the same yarn!
    I love knitting shawls but dread that point when a single row takes half an hour.

  2. I love that yarn Karen, it really is stunning!

  3. It is gorgeous! I'm almost done with the body of my Oaklet shawl. It's starting to take quite awhile to finish up a row although I haven't timed it. Next up comes the border....which I need to concentrate on so those rows will probably take longer!

  4. As far as gorgeous and mindless---I think the citron takes the gold medal; I've made it twice, but neither of mine are as lovely as yours. That yarn is perfect for the pattern. So very very very pretty! (I vaguely remember Color Affection being another rather easy knit---I think you made it, too, but honestly, it was during the kidney stone episode, and I simply don't remember knitting it. I think I knit most of it half asleep.)

  5. The colors are striping wonderfully. I like the multnomah for easy peasy quick knitting. The citron is on my list.

  6. It is "growing" more beautiful every day! Just finished the Color Affection and it was a nice simple knit. Also, the Sothia was wonderfully simple and I really loved the FO. Yours is absolutely gorgeous. Love that yarn!

  7. love the colors! i am an expert at talking and not paying attention.

  8. I love simple shawls like this, with minimal thinking. Those colors just go so well together.

  9. Oh my, it is so lovely. I love it!!!!

  10. Goodness! That is gorgeous!! I cheat on shawls and use stitch markers where I'm supposed to increase so I don't have to count. I also use one different color stitch marker so that, if it's garter stitch, I know which side is the right side or increase side. If the colored stitch marker is on the right hand side of the shawl, then I'm on an increase row and if it's on the left hand side, then I'm not....I'm lazy and don't like to think too much :)

  11. This looks so great! The colours are just beautiful and I it looks really cozy already!

  12. It's a beautiful shawl! Never learned to knit, but I can crochet a little.

  13. it's looking so nice already! i love how these colors are coming out!

  14. this shawl is *gorgeous*!!!
    i am a total newbie at knitting, but i like that you say this is "fudge-able". that, and the fact that you can talk or not pay complete attention work for me too ;)

  15. ohhhhh! so pretty!
    I do have a shawl I keep doing over and over again.
    It does not look as complicated as this. It's just that basic one with a few yarn overs at the beginnings and ends of rows and then two in the middle. And then various lave trims at the bottom.
    I'll check the link to see how hard yours is....

  16. Wow~! That is turning out beautifully! Blessings, Tami

  17. That is absolutely beautiful! Your work amazes me sometimes!!

  18. I am so glad this is a "mindless" knit for you! I am too much of a perfectionist, so it's not that way for me at all! It looks awesome!

  19. Wow... this just be the kind of mindless knitting that I need in my life. Gorgeous yarn too.

  20. Thanks everyone for the kind compliments, you have me knitting faster so I can show you the finished project :)

  21. Oh, Karen - that is beautiful! Just gorgeous... xo

  22. Breathtaking. I can't wait to see it on your shoulders!

  23. I haven't been by a computer for a week or so. I"m glad I finally logged on to see this beautiful shawl. I LOVE it! Can't wait to see the finished product!


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