
Since the kids are have been home and we've returned from our vacation, I've settled into a nice summer routine.  I must say I am still getting used to grocery shopping for four people and cooking for four people.  Who knew that nine months off would get me out of practice!

This week I've managed to only go to the grocery store twice.  Last week I think I visited four times.  It was a little ridiculous on my part.  I love making lists.  My problem is that some family members like to announce AFTER I've returned from the grocery store food they would like to have in the kitchen.  I think we are all getting use to the protocol.

If you finished the last bite, write it down.  If you drank the last drop, write it down.  Do not tell me-write it down (there is something wrong with my memory).  So now when I wake up I find slips of paper with food lists where I drink my cup of coffee.  The system is working :)

Got any good tips for the creation of the grocery list?


  1. I wish I could share my meals with you Karen, I still cook for a crowd and the crowd is gone!
    I painted my back kitchen door with chalkboard paint and everyone knows to write on it if something is needed.
    PS- Yes, that is me at 16. I wore my hair short when I was a teenager.

  2. Ohhh I need to get better at keeping lists. I LOVE to write them except I don't write down when things are finished. Instead while cooking I think "next time I'm at the store I need to pick up....." then about an hour before going to the store I sit down and write things done. Forgetting half of what I need. Ree & I go to the store at least twice a week if not more. The VERY sad thing is that I had a pad stuck on the refrigerator door. It's almost always empty. Sigh. :-)

  3. Have been trying to write them on the white board by the door when I think of it, but that doesn't always work. Now I start a grocery list on my phone that way I know I have it when I go.

  4. no tips :( and the funny thing is, my kids can write down the things they want/need but the husband still can't. how is that even possible?

  5. Personally, I like to write a list as I go along (pad on the fridge) and think of things, rewrite the list on the day of shopping and then ignore the list completely once I get in the store! Been doing this for years ~ I am not a successful list shopper by any means. But I keep trying! :o

  6. When I lived with my dad we had a list near the phone. We wrote down what we used/needed and then looked through the pantry one last time before we went to the store to see if anything was missing.

    Here with my kids, they mostly eat what I buy (which varies so little that I hardly need a list). I'll ask the Elf what he wants for lunch/breakfast for the week and maybe take some suggestions for dinners. We go shopping once a week with extra trips for milk (you wouldn't believe how many gallons of milk they go through).

  7. When something is empty or they throw it away... it goes right on a list that is hung on the kitchen cabinet. I love to see how different my boys write things, too. One week it'll be "Green Apples" then the next "Granny Apples" or "Granny Smith's" or "Not the green ones this time". It's always changing, and too cute. My problem is remembering to take the list with me. Or stopping by the store on the way home from somewhere, and not having the list with me. :)

  8. I usually just o it all at once---have never been able to keep in the habit of he list on the fridge. I end up forgetting its there and make a new list. And I often forget items from the original list. Or I make no list at all and fly by the set of my pants, lol

  9. I have a pad on the fridge...not that they use it. And I'm with Kelly....I don't always remember to take it with me.

  10. I don't know how good a tip it is…yet - but our new house has a wall in the kitchen that is kind of…useless. Can't put any furniture there because of the doors on either side of it. So I am going to paint it with chalkboard paint. One of the things I want to do with it is make a grocery-list space. G is always making lists & leaving them in odd places & then I don't know he needed anything until after I get home from the store. I'll let you know how it works… xo

  11. I always have a list going.....and sometimes two or three when I misplace the first one.....but remembering the LIST---now that's the hard part!!!

  12. An ongoing list, and I always check with hubby before I leave with the question - do you need anything?

  13. I keep a list hanging in the kitchen ( a tile that my grandmother bought many years ago). Here in DC, I have a paper list that lives on the counter. Some days it is hard to ensure things make it to the list. I have a constant mantra myself about the list. My memory is not good at all.

  14. I have a spreadsheet with all the basics that we need each week that I print out and put on the fridge. I break it down into sections in the grocery store (dairy, fruit and veg, etc) and we just enter the quantity that we need. There is also space in each section to add on extra items, and at the bottom a misc. space for anything else. Oh my, I just shared my inner nerd with the world!!

  15. i think there's something wrong with my memory too ;)
    i keep an ongoing list on top of the microwave at all times!


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