
We drove ALL day on Friday leaving the beach vacation and arrived to home sweet home at 9:10 p.m.  We lost so much driving time around the DC area.  But that is the past.  So is my whining like a 3 year old in the car.  I know, you are shocked that I whine.  I do and it's heard by all and I get cranky.....and like a 3 year old, if you stop and feed me I settle down.

When I did get home to the greatest place on earth, I had two lovely packages waiting for me from some giveaways.  I won.  Twice!!  The top photo is a pair of lovely mugs from MJ at wander wonder discover blog.  Thanks MJ!!!  I love them better in person :)

My other giveaway win is from Sylvia and Simona from artsy ants blog, they are a truly artistic sister duo and you need to check out their blog.  Their lovely jewelry ensemble was created by indieandchic.  I am amazed at the intricate detail of the jewelry!  Beautiful and thank you :)

So I am on the 7th or 8th load of laundry and as each load gets done, I am happier and lighter in my soul.  I thrive on tidiness and organization.  I am all unpacked and put away.  Did I tell you I love my bed too? yep.  It always takes a vacation for me to appreciate home.

I loved the ocean and the togetherness of our family.  I also love driving into PA and smelling the earthy air and seeing the hills,trees, and endless farmsteads.  Frodo is still a tired pup from the week at the kennel.  I don't think he gets that much sleep over there.  Maybe he likes coming home too.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Glad you made it home safe and sound! Have you seen the weather for down here today? A Tropical Storm and it's not even June yet!
    Love you gifts, they are so pretty!
    Hope the laundry is finished soon and you can relax!

  2. Coming home is always so good.
    Enjoy that laundry catch-up. :)

  3. feeling the same way--and we were just away for the weekend; I swear, we have the best bed in the world (of course, we were sleeping on our son's pull out sofa; no contest there!!!) glad you are almost caught up---I'm not even worrying about catching up until tomorrow!!!

  4. the mountain of laundry is the worst!!! packages are the best!!!

    glad you had a good time. the drive home is always the worst, but i agree with you 100% on the food thing.

    glad you are home safe and bet frodo is glad too :-)

  5. Lovely packages! J'adore your mugs from MJ! Welcome home... I love my bed too!

  6. Getting home is almost the best part about vacations!! LOL! Like your soul just sighs. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  7. I love the ocean. We are so blessed to live close to the Pacific. Have a great Sunday. Tami

  8. Nothing like coming home from a trip. You look forward to the getaway, but love coming home. Can you come do my laundry when you're done with yours, lol? I love living by the beach and am really looking forward to warmer days so we can hang out there....my soul needs it badly. Lovely winnings you have there! I have a thing for mugs. Have a great week!

  9. What a lovely welcome for you.
    Isn't it lovely to be back home after time away, as lovely as the holiday was. Happy settling back in!

  10. oh, I'm sure Frodo loves coming home. no doggie likes to be too far away from their loved ones.
    I'm with you on the laundry today. I find it very depressing to have it stacking up all over the place.

  11. That is so lucky winning two great giveaways!

  12. Well at least you came home to packages and your own bed. Sounds nice.

  13. Home is a magical place, isn't it? Did you wave as you drove by D.C. I thought I saw someone ;) We actually took a trip to Philly this weekend. Traffic going north was horrible. 2.5 hrs turned into 4 - belch. What lucky finds in your mailbox. Enjoy your week.

  14. Welcome home! It's always nice to go away, but it's even better to come home.

  15. You are so funny. Love reading your posts ;) Welcome home and enjoy those lovely giveaways (think I just about love those mugs to death!)

  16. Oh, I bet Frodo's happy to be home! I bet he missed you all a whole bunch.

    What sweet packages; that jewelry is gorgeous.

  17. I'm the same way when I get home. I want to have everything unpacked and put away and laundry in process all at the same time! Nothing like coming back and resettling in no matter how good the vacation was. Both of your gifts are beautiful. You are very lucky lately! :-)

  18. oh laundry. eghhh. gives me the shutters.
    How lucky to have won twice. They are both beautiful! I love to visit the ocean and come back to the mountains. Glad you had a wonderful time :)

  19. love those cups...beautiful!

  20. I travel weekly and there is nothing better than coming home to my own bed! And you came home to your own bed and fabulous packages! Can't get any better.

  21. Glad y'all are home safe and sound! That DC area traffic is no fun. When we lived in the Quantico area I loathed having to battle it to get up to see my parents. Ugh!

    And 2 giveaways?!?! You lucky girl :) What beautiful little packages to find waiting for you! Have a wonderful Monday!

  22. With your luck, I was wondering if you'd buy me a lottery ticket :) What a wonderful surprise to come home to.

  23. I thrive on tidy too :)
    Those giveaway gifts are so beautiful!!!

  24. Oh my Frodo would be tired from the kennel. I hadn't thought about it that way. Glad you had fun. I swear everyone in Blogland was stuck in that same traffic jam. I am glad you had a great time. I second Melissa; I want you to buy me a lottery ticket. :)

  25. Ah, nothing like clothes to wash to bring you straight back to reality. What lovely giveaway wins. I suppose that makes up for all the mundane catching up jobs that have to be done. I bet Frodo missed you. Jacinta


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