
This is Frodo's little friend.  He is a milk snake and lives in the crack between the pool and the grass.  Once in a while this little guy likes to rise early in the morning and sunbathe.  Frodo loves to paw and bark at the snake when he finds him in the grass. Both are stubborn and eventually I have to move one of them to stop the disturbance.  Guess which one I will pick up?

My weekend was filled with:  a movie, knitting with friends, laughing with my family, finishing a project, and opening up a very very algae filled swimming pool!

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. eeeeek! After a few years in Asia, snakes REALLY REALLY freak me out, especially ones that size! I'm guessing milk snakes aren't venomous, unlike the cobras and green tree vipers that used to haunt my nightmares in Singapore!!!

  2. I too am completely afraid of snakes, probably because I don't really see them in my parts. Even the picture is giving me goosebumps!

  3. Ohhhh you are so nice letting the snake stay in your yard!!!!

    We LOVE Tangled over here. Ree would have it on repeat if I'd let her! It sounds like a great weekend!!

  4. I would definitely be swooping up Frodo! My daughter would love to join you for some Tangled watching.

  5. Now Tangled is a movie I did enjoy, the wee one loves it too!
    I don't think I have ever seen a milk snake before; most of the snakes we have here are the nasty ones!
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

  6. i don't like the snake. no likey. no touchy.

    my poulette LOVES tangled. if you need company, she's a good snuggle buddy for movie watching ;-)

  7. i really, really want to understand snakes, but there is something so creepy to me about them, i think it's the fact they have no legs. we are kind though, we never kill them, just shoo them off. our old house was very, very old and we used to get them inside quite often, so i've gotten a little less frightened.

    it's HOT here!!

  8. No thanks! I have a mutual acceptance of snakes, but it's more of a "If I don't see you, you're fine" type of acceptance.

  9. My boys would love that snake, lol. Weekend is in progress and going well!

  10. That looks BIG--and your post was so matter-of-fact!!!!!!!! You are BRAVE!!! I'd be giving that guy LOTS of room!!! Liked Tangled, too!!! We watched One for the Money that was cute, too. (A janet evanovich Stephanie Plum book) It was too dang hot to be outside!!!

  11. Was I the only one who saw this picture and thought you were spelling out "I *heart*" with the snake? (:

  12. Well. I'd definitely be picking up Frodo too. The snake is not that sweet....!

  13. I used to pick up small snakes back home in Michigan. That is NOT a small snake. D: Yikes! :)

  14. blech!! we were doing yard work this weekend and I found a dead garden snake that was completely dried up and I couldn't even bring myself to pick IT up!! thank goodness for a chivalrous husband ;)

  15. Eeek! I think I would run a mile if I saw one. In fact I did when I saw one under the chicken pen. Brave lady and lucky Frodo :)

  16. Oh my! No thank you! Snakes give me such the chills, ironically my boys think they are amazing..... My four-year old loved the picture :) Happy Monday to you :)

  17. Oh, he's a beauty! But I wouldn't pick him up either.

    I saw a couple of milk snakes mating last week.

  18. that made me laugh.
    what? you don't want to pick up a snake?
    my husband used to collect them when he was little and carry them around in his shirt.

  19. Snakes startle me when I see them, but I can let them be. Spiders on the other hand...

  20. Even the little grass snakes make me wary!! ;)

  21. I like snakes fine. at the zoo. behind glass.

    but hanging out in the garden? not so much.

    Brave you for putting up with it.

  22. My girls are fascinated by snakes. They always ask to hold one when we go to the pet store.
    Your weekend sounds so nice. The pool sounds nice and cool.

  23. OK, so I know that this one is good to have around and I'm not too freaked out by snakes....we have a black snake in the back yard. With that being said, when I come on them unprepared, they do make my heart race just a bit.


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