Yarn Along

Even though I had a lovely week of vacation, my knitting has progressed ever so slowly.  Why is that?  I always accomplished more when I am at home.    I am still (sigh) working on the citron shawl.  Currently I am knitting the edging and each row is taking forever. I am hopeful that there will be a post next week with it blocked.  In the photo above is my lovely new project, cinnamon grace shawl.  There is a bit of sparkle in the wool.  I really like this pattern because I have it roughly memorized :)

I am still (sigh) reading The Orchid House-I decided not to photograph it because it's been languishing around these yarn along postings.  I love the story when it flashes back to the 1940's.  I have a very difficult time reading the current time story line.  I cannot pinpoint exactly why.  My guess is the dialogue is not running smoothly like I think it should in my mind.

While I was at the library, I happened to come across some interesting cookbooks.  The older I get the more I like to have general ideas for different dishes.  I almost never follow a recipe exactly as written.  I wouldn't mind owning either of these books! As I mentioned yesterday, I am participating in the 30 day vegan workshop over at Beauty that Moves. So I thought the more ideas the better!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. Is that the yarn from Twist and Twine? GORGEOUS!

  2. I love reading cookbooks...I can't follow a recipe, but I do love taking the ideas and running wild.

  3. I have heard about the final rows of citron seeming endless. I am eager to see it though. Thanks for the beach suggestions too.

  4. Oh, that yarn. You always have such lovely coloured yarn!

  5. My friend has the Dairy-free Gluten-free book and loves it!

  6. great yarn, it has lovely colors!

  7. I never follow a recipe either, but I do have a 'thing' for cookbooks and those look really nice.
    Your knitting is just so lovely Karen and I love seeing all your finished projects.

  8. Just loving the new shawl color!! Just can't seem to follow a recipe exactly either (although often I attribute it to the fact that I'm too lazy to go to the store to get all the exact ingredients and do A LOT of substituting!!!)

  9. Cookbooks are always good for meal ideas. It's funny, I don't tend to follow recipes either, I seem to find ways to add my own touch to them. Hopefully the Citron comes off the needles soon. Enjoy knitting the cinnamon grace shawl. Jacinta

  10. I very rarely follow recipes straight through either. I use them more as a guide. Makes my husband batty when a "recipe" that I made last week tastes slightly different this week because of it too :-) Those books look very interesting I'll have to see if my library has them. I want to cast on for Citron but my hands need a little break from small yarn & small needles after finishing my Oaklet!

  11. The yarn you are using is just gorgeous! I absolutely love the color!!

  12. I just love the sparkle in that yarn:-)

    Citron seemed to take forever on the last few rows. It drove me crazy! Hang in there. It will be done soon enough. I can't wait to see the finished project.

  13. You always choose the loveliest colours x

  14. Beautiful yarn! good luck with the 30 day vegan challenge!

  15. Pretty colors! I would like to knit my mom a shawl. I think she would really love it. I don't follow recipes either.

  16. I am only just getting to a point where I can experiment with some recipes. I'm still not really sure of what will work together and I hate the idea of maknig something that turns out to be inedible. Most of the time I'd much rather religiously follow someone else's instructions. I'll have to look for that veg cookbook - I'm always looking for good, simple meatless meals (other than pasta ;-)

  17. Love the colours of your shawl and those books looks great!! I too love cookbooks :) And I don't follow recipes either.

  18. Reading Catching Fire (2nd Hunger Games) and Outlander. My cookbook of the month is the Sonoma Cookbook. Not much creativity as we are in the throws of the end of the school year.

  19. Also I love the yarn color you're using!

  20. Mmmm, I bet those books have tons of interesting recipes!

  21. I don't get any knitting done when I'm on vacation...too much other stuff to do. Those cookbooks look great. Are you enjoying the workshop?

  22. Goodness! I know what you mean about your shawl. As you saw, I feel the same way about my sweater.

  23. What a pretty blog banner you have!
    I love your sparkly yarn - I hope the project moves quickly for you.
    I rarely follow a recipe exactly, either!
    Good luck with your 30 day vegan - I'm always tempted by Heather's courses.

  24. Peas and Thank You looks pretty darn good-onto the list it goes. I can't wait to see your shawl all blocked. Knowing you, it will be done in no time.
    Heather is the sweetest; enjoy the class!

  25. I love the colour of that yarn, gorgeous. (and by the way this is what Battenberg looks like http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/recipes/130610/Battenburg-cake ) :)

  26. Ooooh, that shawl looks lovely, I see the sparkle!!

  27. Pretty....and even though your reading goes slowly...at least you are reading! That is a good thing. Have fun with your children at home!

  28. That yarn is such a gorgeous color...and I love the pattern! I seem to have been lacking a bit in my reading lately too, but I am sure it will pick back up now that the lazy days of summer are right around the corner! :)

  29. Beautiful color for your latest shawl; perfect for bright summer days. Those cookbooks look wonderful!

  30. The cinnamon grace shawl looks like it will be lovely. Here's hoping that you have the other one blocked soon. And if not... no biggie! There's always the week after. :-)

  31. Between books and waiting to get to the library.

    I've been finding lately, I'm going as simple as possible with dinners. Like five ingredient meals. Maybe it's a time thing.

  32. I agree. With your reading and cooking ideas. I find that I want to change up the info for the vegan challenge and yet...I'm trying stuff out basically as written (and then I may change). I so love that cinnamon shawl color.

  33. What a great challenge! I'm trying to go vegan as well, but I'm surely not doing as good a job as you. I should have joined that challenge too; maybe it would have helped. However, about 95% of what I consume is vegan, so I'm not doing too bad. Must check out those two books you mentioned. Also, as usual that shawl is lovely!

  34. i think it's s good sign that you can accomplish more when you're at home :)
    the cookbooks do look interesing. even though noone of us has a gluten intolerance, we have been thinking of detoxing in a few months time and stay sugar and gluten free for a few weeks. so a book like that might be helpful, because i honestly have absolutely no idea about gluten-free cooking.

  35. I really like the look of your reading choices this week Karen. It's almost worth seeking out 'peas and thank you' Just for the title! And I'm always on the look out for gluten/dairy free recipes. I'm a bit like you in that I also like general recipes. Ones that I can edit out ingredients I don't like or feel aren't good for us and substitute with ones that are a little more healthy or seasonal or have I in the pantry and want to use up!

    I love the warm tones in your yarn. I've noticed quite a bit of yarn with pretty autumnal tones on the pins of Yarn along this week. Lovely for cool summer evenings.

    Happy knitting.

  36. I'm loving the look of that yarn! Somehow, I haven't found much time to knit this week and I always get frustrated when my knitting time gets curtailed with life's interruptions. ;) Still can't wait to see the Citron!! blessings ~ tanna

  37. Your cinnamon grace yarn is lovely! I haven't even touched my blue shawl in two days... my citron? In a week! I am hoping for some knitting time today... but you never know in this house!

  38. I love cooking books. I'm always on the lookout for some new inspiration.
    Your new project looks lovely; my mum uses sparkly yarn for our woolly socks; makes them look very special! :)


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