
This week I did not accomplish all that I set out to do.  I think I am not as motivated when the weather is hot (excuse #1).  I also became lax in my to do list making (excuse #2).  This morning, I wrote out many tasks that I want to accomplish today and in the upcoming week.  I am amazed that it's almost near the end of June!  The older I get the faster each day and week whizzes by.

In the photo, my son is sitting on his foot-hence the 2.5 feet on the ground :)  I hope you have a great weekend!!


  1. I love you, Mommy! <3

  2. I so get it Karen, the days fly by and I often wonder what happened!
    I pick up the wee on tomorrow as her mom is going to be gone for a week with
    work. This will be our last full week together before they move, I hope the time drags by.:)
    Stay cool!
    PS- Ha, our pictures are similar today, I have feet in mine too!

  3. Lots of feet pictures today, we have one too!!

    Have a lovely weekend Karen.

  4. What a great shot! I've gotten nothing on my "list" done this week either. Could be the heat; could be the fact that my list is in my head & not written out. So I don't remember what it is I want to do when I have a few moments to do it!! :-)

  5. I have been unable to even write down the list. I blame it on the jet lag but the truth is that my brain is just soft right ;o)
    I better get to it.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  6. Yes, I know what you mean about the weeks just whizzing by. I love this fun picture.

  7. Yes.....we just arrived at vacation, and now it's time to pack up and go home. :( I'm betting our 12 hour car ride doesn't fly by in the same way, though!

  8. It sure does fly by, doesn't it!?!? Thanks for the explination... I'm a counter and it just wasn't adding up. :) Hope you have a fun weekend!

  9. great shot! I know the month has just flown by hasn't it. I haven't been productive this week and I've got so much to do. My kiddos are off to summer camp next week so hopefully I'll find some time then to get my to-do list done.

  10. Have a lovely weekend....(I can so relate to how fast time flies)
    Great tootsies!

  11. It is amazing how quickly time passes now...

  12. I am with you, Karen. I dislike hot weather and am having trouble staying on task. Actually writing out my tasks first would be helpful - that way I can remember what needs to be done! Hope you're blessed with a restful yet productive weekend.

  13. Lol....I am with you about the heat. Everyone keeps telling me that I am going to get acclimated to it. Lol....that should happen what decade?? Love the first says it all! Thanks for posting on my little blog.

  14. I think when it's as hot as it's been this past week lists and productivity parameters change drastically ~ much shorter lists (or none at all!) and lowered expectations! ;) Hoping for cooler temps for all and a restful weekend!

  15. cute. 2.5 feet.
    look how sweet that is- the first comment.

    we're not too hot here...yet...supposed to get in the 90's this week. : (

  16. Oh, the time surely does fly! And don't be to hard on yourself about your list just seems to get longer...I add, but I don't seem to remove as many as I add!


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