
My weekend was filled with:

-cooler weather (yay!)
-wetter weather
-car rides for errands and daydreaming
-re-fudging the buttonband of my featherweight cardigan-for the better
-wishing oh so wishing that I was not re-fudging the buttonband
-meeting with a friend who loves to knit and comparing projects
-burgers and french fries
-starting to buy back to campus supplies-notebooks, binders and notepaper
-a happiness to see these aisles pop up in every store
-a trip to Barnes and Noble, inhaling the coffee-book print air!!

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Yay for cooler weather and rain...we are finally getting some here right now...I am secretly hoping it rains all night, the gardens need it, fingers crossed.

    The rest of your weekend sounds good. Wishing you a lovely week ahead.

  2. Back to school time is exciting in its own way, isn't it. Glad to hear your weather is cooler and wetter. We can all appreciate cooler and wetter just now. Enjoy the week to come.

  3. I love that Barnes and Noble special scent, too.

  4. oh, my, the summer has flown by---thinking about back to campus! Of course, school down here starts the first week in August---just too darn early (and too darn hot!!!) yep, no relief yet---no rain. no cool(er) temps. BLECH. Even Freddy doesn't want to go outside!

  5. What a lovely weekend! I love how you described the air in Barnes and Noble.

  6. I can't believe the weekend is over already! Have a good week.

  7. Oh, hooray for cooler & wetter weather. We had some of that here, too, on Friday and a little rain again Sunday. Saturday was the perfect northeastern summer day. I wish I could bottle it & take it out when it's too hot in August (or too cold in February!). Also—back-to-school shopping already?? Didn't they just get home? Time flies… xo

  8. I am envious of nearly every item on the list! Sounds darn near ideal to me, buttonbands and all.

  9. So happy for cooler weather. We had burgers and fries for dinner tonight.

  10. It seems that your summer is getting cooler just as ours is hotting up. Weather has been so extreme everywhere this year. I hope that your more comfortable weather lasts for a nice long time and that your cardigan turns out well.

    Sounds like a perfect weekend, knitting, books, stationary and friends...hope the rest of the week is just as good.

  11. Coffee book print air Mmmm, delicious!
    There is almost nothing more perfect than unlimited supplies of coffee and books.
    ...and probably knitting yarn :)

    Hope that button band works out just as you want it to!

  12. I think one of the best feelings in the world is when you first walk in a book store, see all the books and smell 'that smell'....pure delight.
    Hope the knitting wasn't too much of a pain.

  13. The smell of coffee-print is a heady scent. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  14. Our weekend had some wetter, cooler weather too. It was wonderful!! I love bookstores & their "smell". I wrote about waterfire in my post this morning!! :-)

  15. MMMM... burgers and fries! Sorry you had to fix your cardi. But I'm sure you love it even more now, right?!

  16. Sounds like a pretty terrific weekend. Have a great week!

  17. cooler weather is always welcome! care to send some down here?

    and school supplies! i LOOOOOOVE school supplies, office supplies, all those notebooks and pens and such :)

  18. Um, we've had nothing but cool weather here. And wet. Still waiting for summer to stay put. Love time in a book store with coffee and all those new-print smells.

  19. Love your weekend! This is our first year that we get to gather school supplies and I have to say I'm a bit excited :) Happy Monday!

  20. I love Barnes and Noble. That reminds me - I need to take a trip there soon! Sounds like you had a nice weekend.

  21. We finally had some warmer weather after all that rain! Maybe it's coming to you now. :)

  22. Burgers and fries... yum!!!
    Ronnie xo


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