Random Reflections

These past days have been planning days.  Making lists kind of days.  This weekend our daughter goes back to her apartment to start a new law school year.  In another two weeks we take our son to his dorm room and then--poof--it's just the two of us again.

I have been adding and subtracting money to budget paying for schools, supplies and last minute items.  I've also been writing out a menu plan for three people instead of four people for the next two weeks.  Don't tell anyone but I'm working on the two people one as well.  Nothing wrong with looking ahead.

One of my silly goals is to eat through this over stuffed pantry of ours.  I have a bad habit of impulse buying when the kids are home.  Even worse, I forget why I bought it and it lingers in the cupboards.  I'll start in September.  Also there is the freezer.  God knows what is in it, but I will inventory it and menu plan away.

Summer is fun without having schedules, menus or budgets.  But when the school year starts, it's back to reality and for some serious budget and menu planning.

Any tips?


  1. I know I said this last year, but it feels like your children just arrived home for summer break! I really am not ready for summer to be over, but I guess I do need to buckle down and follow your example.

  2. My sister has three college age and is going thru the same as you! Lots of transitions for everyone, it seems. Good luck with your menu planning ~ I fail in that area :) Have an awesome weekend!
    P.S. LOVE your photo!

  3. This seems to be a planning time of year for so many people. In my nutrition business I refer to this time of year as the "second" New Year. Many of us set new goals, readjust budgets and create visions of what the next season will bring. It is a good thing, even if it seems like a chore :)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend of planning.

  4. summer has just flown by, hasn't it??? I've been "playing" the 25-thing-a-day purge game and since I started with the scary freezer and pantry, I'm doing like you---and planning meals around all those impulse items I bought who-knows-when!? The last 3 weeks I've bought little more than milk and dogfood at the store. It really feels great to get some of this stuff moving out of the house!!!

  5. I was going to ask you for tips ;) In one week we dwindle down to three. Trying to adjust the budget and everything else. Yikes!

  6. ooh, love that you are menu planning and making lists :)

  7. I worked through our freezer before we moved house - amazing what you find in there, and how long it lasts! :)

  8. I am in a list making mood right now too. Getting our grocery budget fine tuned, and getting ready for end of summer transitions. School is getting close. It has flown by for sure. Blessings!

  9. Making an inventory of my fridge and freezer seems to help me.

    Also, Allrecipes.com is a very helpful website for those times when I have a random items of food in my pantry or refrigerator.

    For example, I "inherited" two 29 oz. cans of sliced peaches in light syrup somehow from my father-in-law. I found a recipe on the website, when I plugged in "sliced peaches", for Peach Wrinkle that I'll be making for my friends when we get together on Sunday.

  10. i have no tips. i'm still shopping and cooking for a small army and can't keep my pantry or freezer stocked to save my life.

  11. Sorry no tips here either. I really don't like the shopping, planning, cooking part of meals. lol I've been trying to get "fired" by doing a colossally bad job, but that hasn't worked. Rats! I do admire you for planning ahead, maybe if I did that it would feel like such a chore.

  12. I have no menu planning tips—I'm terrible at it myself, and usually end up just throwing something together out of what is on the shelves. Or ordering a pizza, which is what we did tonight! But I can't believe the summer is nearly over & your kids are going back to school already!

  13. I try to menu plan as well. We do a weekly shop at a market for all our fruit, veg and meat, so I have to have an idea ahead of time what we are going to eat for the week. It certainly makes for less waste. Jacinta

  14. Sorry I wish I had some tips...I am just like you...getting a handle on budget and menu planning is on my bucket list, untill then who knows.
    Happy Sunday.


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