Random Thoughts

This past week was the first week without my daughter since she went back to her campus.  I have been lucky to hear from her once a day and it seems like she is still here at home for the moments we are on the phone.  Thank goodness for cell phone plans.

My son has one more week at home, we have yet to start gathering his things and packing them up. Even though school does not start until the end of August, I am acting and thinking like the school year has begun.  My husband is a professor and will be back to his academic schedule the same time as my son. Having a schedule encourages me to be more productive.  I do love the summer and the carefree lifestyle we all adopt, but it's time.  It's time for fall and it's time to get stuff done around here.

I've resumed walking with Frodo in the early evening and I've realized that maybe I need to take ALL of my medicines for full physical function.  (I have mixed connective tissue disease-a cross between rheumatoid arthritis and lupus).  So even though I am a little tiny bit disappointed, I am really looking forward to seeing if I feel better and stronger to be fit.  We will see.

I still need to clean up the kitchen, do some loads of laundry and tidy up the counters this morning and I really want to knit!

 I hope you all have a wonderful lovely weekend filled with peace :)


  1. I can't even imagine what it is like for a child to go off and leave for college (ok, I might give it a thought when it is still dark outside and certain little ones think the day should begin). I wish for you the strength you need to help you on your way to feeling better within yourself. Happy weekend and happy walkies with Frodo. Jacinta

  2. oh my heart is always a bit sad when I read about your kiddos off at college. I just can't imagine (though I'm sure it will be wonderful). I find myself also gearing up trying to get my body back in to a rhythm of being more productive as the new school year approaches. Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm right there with you! Enjoy that last week at home. Thanks for everything!!!

  4. I'm kind of right there with you on the shifting schedules. Fall brings a much more predictable rhythm for me that I like, and do better with. I'm sorry about the med thing...my sister has MS and I know she travels that same road from time to time. I'm glad that you are back to your walks with Frodo ~ walks are good for body, mind and spirit when we can do them (Falling temps will help everything, won't they? Heat is hard.) And YAY! for daughters and cell phones (even when they are calling or texting from the next room! lol)

  5. I agree.... I LOVE the summer, but also enjoy getting back on more of a schedule when fall rolls around. We still have a few weeks left of summer out here though, so I am trying to enjoy every (unscheduled!) moment!

  6. So with you, I love the carefree feeling of summer, but around this time of year I start to crave routine. I am looking forward to getting back to normal around here soon.

    Sending love and hugs your way, I can only imagine how difficult the whole sending off to college thing is.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Such a time of transition. We are gearing up here too. Our departure is quickly approaching. I am hoping the medicine helps you feel better.

  8. those evening walks sound lovely. i hope they bring both your body and mind a bit of peace.
    have a lovely weekend!

  9. I agree about looking forward to fall and the changes it will bring to our schedule. I guess I'm just a lot like my littles - needing structure ;-)
    I'm also right there on the kitchen and laundry... and I would rather be knitting. Oh well, I think that will be constant state for quite a while (maybe the rest of my life, who wouldn't rather be knitting than cleaning?!?)
    Happy weekend!

  10. I'm also looking forward to resuming out 'school' schedule. There is comfort to be had in the rhythm of our homes and lives. Great photo:o) - looks very peaceful and dreamy, kind of place where you just want to lie on your back in the long meadow grass and absorb the warmth.

  11. We are looking forward to september too, a bit more structure is good for us I think and a bit of hard work strengthens our souls. Enjoy your evening walks x

  12. I think I am going to have a tough time saying goodbye to our summer schedule. I am seeing the calendar fill up with school obligations and I can't say I'm embracing it yet :-(

    Hope you can get your meds working well for you. I have extremely high blood pressure and it's always a balancing act to get them to work. When I am more active, I need less. Guess I should take the hint huh?

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I read your post and found myself nodding in agreement to everything you said.
    I have been so off schedule and really, I do function better and get more accomplished if there is a plan.
    As someone who has been battling her health all year [and wasn't taking her meds like she is suppose to] I can honestly recommend taking them, exercising [even if it's just a little] and eating well. Karen, I feel like a whole different person, and for the better! I wish you all the best Karen, please take care of yourself my friend.

  14. There is something about fall that makes me want to get organized...could be the relaxed days of summer. Yay for cellphones- even though I don't use mine- they are a blessing. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the walks with Frodo( he cetainly is a cute one!)I am sure the walks will do you both good.

  15. I love summer, but I crave the organized days of school and fall. Good luck with your meds... I know that can be a tough thing to sort out!

  16. Have you tried yoga for your physical challenge? I used to teach for years. I don't do it myself much anymore, but it does sound like perhaps some gentle (very gentle) yoga could help? Depends on the state of the connective tissue, I suppose. Perhaps stretching it more is not a good thing. If it IS a good thing- look to Yin Yoga, perhaps.

    It's amazing to me the difference between Summer and Fall. Wow. What a switch.

  17. routines are important....i'm dreaming of the time we get back to something that resembles one!!! several more "blips" on the calendar before that happens.


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