
My weekend was filled with:

-goodbyes-our son is now on campus ready to start a new semester!
-riding in the car ALL day.  I managed to knit and ward off a pending nap-it was a close call!
-packing up all of his "stuff" which seemed like so much into the car
-waiting in the dorm room while the guys hauled the "stuff"  Yep I was spared physical exertion.
-chicken salad smeared over top of avocado over top of lightly toasted bread
(the avocados were mashed with olive oil and a spritz of lime juice and salt)
-an eerie silence upon returning home-the house is so different without the kids
-happiness that the visual clutter is with my two children and not in my family room :)
-noticing the hints that fall is very near (eep! I am so excited to wear woolens)

How was your weekend?

joining Amanda


  1. I have been thinking about you a lot this weekend Karen. My babies have been gone all last night and all of today so my home has been quiet too. Your family room, my kitchen, at least that part is nice!
    I wish you were closer so you could help me find a dress, I am not good at clothes shopping at all!

  2. That chicken salad really really sounds good (and since I had to make chicken salad for 50 today for a church thing tomorrow, I'm now hoping there will be some leftovers----dinner tomorrow!!!!)

    Over the years I've gotten rather used to the quiet----don't get me wrong---I LOVE when the kids and grands visit, but I really do relish the quiet when they leave!!!

  3. Though I don't have children (yet), I grew up in a household of nine people. I thought the one thing I would crave when Hubby and I bought our house was finally having peace and quiet.

    It took me a long time to get used to that peace and quiet that I longed for growing up. Hubby was going to move into our house after we got married. I begged him to stay with me because I hated how quiet our neighborhood was after it gets dark. ;-)

    The holidays will be here before we know it and your children will be home, too. :-)

  4. I've been thinking of you sending your son off to school again and wondering how things are going with 1 and now 2 out of the nest.

    How are you? How does Frodo handle his "small mailmen" being going to college? (okay, I watched UP this weekend -- oops!)

  5. Sending them off is bittersweet. I lost one and gained one this weekend. My oldest moved home to student teach. Funny gig - pay $6000 to work a full time job with no pay. lol Enjoy the peace and quiet :)

  6. Ahh, the quiet house. I'm not sure I'm liking it, but I do agree that I don't miss the mess. The chicken salad sounds yummy.

  7. The tree looks like a Dogwood with berries. How I miss mine up north! What color is yours? Cannot imagine not having my son around, I bet you miss yours terribly!

  8. That chicken salad combo sounds ah-mazing! Even at 8am! Glad to hear your son is all settled in. My oldest starts Kindergarten next week but I have a feeling I'll blink and we will be dropping him off at college! Have an incredible Monday!

  9. Visual clutter ~ I love that! It took me several hours to pickup the visual clutter after hour little house guests (grands) all returned to their rightful owners (parents) yesterday! I hope you are enjoying the quiet but I know it can be a little bittersweet. Lunch sounded yummy and a 'must try' ~ enjoy the week ahead! (and 'yay' fall-like weather!)

  10. What a bittersweet weekend! I am so very excited that fall is just around the corner too!!

  11. Woolens... mmmmm.... I know what you mean about that silence. It's a rarity here, but when it descends, it's glorious!

  12. I love new beginnings (even those that are tinged bittersweet).! It sounds like the car ride to your son's campus was quite long--I'm glad you brought your knitting :-). Mmmmmm that avocado and chicken salad sandwich sounds yummy! I am looking forward to autumn, too.

  13. I'm very excited that fall is coming. Seems like I just took out our summer clothes. And yay for no clutter in your living room! I see kids moving out is what it takes to make the clutter disappear....I'm a long long way from that.

  14. I'm kinda excited about the fall being upon us. I'm ready for some cooler days. I am so not ready to not have any kids in the house. Although the house is a lot quieter since she has her drivers license I still find myself "restless" when the kids aren't around (I only have one, but she usually comes with back-ups).

  15. I love avocado on toast. It is my favorite breakfast for sure! Have a blessed day, Tami

  16. no visual clutter... the future awaits me. : ) a loong way a way. i'll try to enjoy it while it lasts.

  17. A busy weekend it sounds. We have another week of holidays left. Love the photo of rosehips xxx


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