Yarn Along

This beautiful cowl that doesn't have a ravelry page yet is nearly finished.  It is very simple but also the colors of the yarn make it quite striking.  I wish you all could see it in person.  I cannot wait for fall to be here now so I could immediately wear it.  I know, I am pushing the season, I can't help it.  I noticed yesterday while daydreaming and staring outside that there are numerous leaves falling off the trees.  I do believe that is a strong sign of a season change!!

I'm also knitting my pink cardi and posted about it wonderfulness yesterday as well as the pair of socks for my dad.  Each are making progress and I'm enjoying the knitting.  I have been knitting and catching up on all the podcasts that I have been saving over the summer.  When the kids are home I tend to let the podcasts slide.  But never the knitting.

Still reading The Flight of Gemma Hardy and am really enjoying it.  I think you should read it if you do like Jane Erye.  At first I was continually thinking "did this happen in the book" and many many events mirror poor Jane's life.  After a fourth of the way through the book, I was thinking of Gemma as her own individual character and thinking less and less of Jane.  Occasionally there is a scene or event that flirts with the classic book but there is enough original content that this book stands alone.  I will definitely read more books written by Margot Livesey.

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny


  1. The colors of your cowl are wonderful! I'm anxiously awaiting the season change as well. My knits are beckoning me!

  2. Karen, the cowl really is striking, is this a new pattern you are designing? I am so ready for the fall season and cooler weather, right now we have heat and lots of rain. {My hair is a frizzy mess ;) }

  3. That cowl looks magnificent, even over here on my little screen.
    The colours and textures are perfect.
    The book sounds wonderful.

  4. I'm pushing the season too - I can't help myself!
    Your cowl looks gorgeous, very autumnal.

  5. Looks so squishy and cosy - look forward to seeing the finished product!

  6. these colours indeed look very fall-y! beautiful!

  7. beautiful cowl!!! can't wait for the ta-dah!!!!

  8. I'm looking forward to the change of seasons too. The cowl looks great, just the thing for fall.

  9. The cowl is stunning! The yarn and pattern go so well together. I'll have to get the book from the library. Jane Eyre is my all time favorite book. I am pushing the season as hard as I can too. We had a stretch of gorgeous days here. Then yesterday the unbelievable humidity was back. I was so bummed!

  10. Gorgeous cowl! I've been making a list of books you ladies keep posting and I think once school starts I'll dig into them!

  11. I'm kinda getting that "I want cooler weather" feeling lately myself. I was complaining yesterday because it was 76 degrees and too hot. I would have loved that last month! Your cowl looks so pretty. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's complete.

  12. I started reading that book yesterday. (:

  13. Your cowl looks beautiful and I love the colors! Interesting book, just added it to my list of must reads :)

  14. Oooh, that yarn is beautiful, I love the colours. Not to wish the seasons away, but I hope you get chance to wear it soon!

  15. holy moly that pink cardi is just beautiful. and your cowl colorway is stunning. that will be so striking when the weather turns cool enough to slip it on.

  16. What interesting colors in that yarn. Love it!

    You made that book sound so good, that I snatched it up when I saw it at the library this past Monday. :-)

  17. your cowl is beautiful....and your right that yarn is striking! I popped over to see your cardigan and it is just lovely!! I'm also ready for fall and lots of warm woolys!!

  18. What lovely colours in the cowl - can't wait to see it finished!

  19. Well...not to get anyones hopes up but it was pretty darn cool out this morning when I left for work. Just sayin'... :)

  20. Pretty cowl!! I love the yarn colors and I agree, fall is a wonderful season-- scarves and cowls everyday!

  21. This book should be interesting and I like the color of your cowl!

  22. Beautiful colors for the cowl. We saw some yellow leaves when we were at high altitude last week. Then I heard on the news that fall will be early and short due to the drought. Bummer.

  23. Wow, love the colours in your cowl, beautiful!

  24. I've been seeing signs of an early fall, too, which makes me very happy :- ) Yesterday I read in the newspaper that the New England apple crop is early, ready, and HUGE. Now I want to go apple picking :-).

    Karen, the colors of that cowl are stunningly beautiful. I can see why you can't wait to wear it. I've just put in a request at my library for The Flight of Gemma Hardy--I do love Jane Eyre!

  25. Wow, your cowl looks beautiful! And I love Jane Eyre, so I'll have to give that book a try.

  26. Love all the different variations in the yarn and I too am hopeful for fall. It is my favorite season.

  27. Oh, I had forgotten about that beautiful yarn! So pretty!

  28. damn it. you knit too good.

  29. You sound ready for fall to arrive. I'm still eager for the last month of summer (which it officially still is), however fall knitting season has arrived. Love the colors in your cowl and look forward to the finished project. :)


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