Yarn Along

My second citron shawl is coming along nicely.  I am on the fifth tier and have my fingers crossed that I can get at least two more tiers out of my skein.  Three would be ideal but who knows!!  I enjoy this pattern so much and already think of more I would love to make.  Maybe gifts?  Well, I'll finish this one first then daydream about the future ones later.  That lovely pink yarn is turning into a cardigan.  It is not my usual color to knit with but I am trying to branch out of my usual color scheme.  This cardigan pattern has interesting construction.  It's top down but instead of a raglan sleeve or a rounded yoke, the designer has incorporated a set in sleeve!!  Yep. I find this very exciting.  So far my only problem has been the button bands-I just cannot wrap my brain around the slip stitches and when they occur.  Maybe by the time the body is done I will conquer them.

My reading this week is the same as last week.  When God was a Rabbit has been my night time reading.  I'm about half way through and so far it is okay. An Everlasting Meal:  Cooking with Economy and Grace is my day time reading and it is FULL of information.  I read an entire chapter on eggs and wanted to go back and re-read and take notes.  I wish I was the type to high light a book.  But it would make me sad to mark up a book.  If you like to cook you might like this book by Tamar Alder.

I have added the sock pattern as a pdf file on my pattern page above OR you can access it on your Ravelry account as a download.  It is free!!!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. Your cardigan pattern sounds really interesting and it looks like it would get a lot of wear. Well done for breaking out of your colour comfort zone - it's a challenge sometimes, isn't it?

    Thank you so much for uploading the sock pattern pdf - this is definitely going to feature in my Christmas knitting!

  2. I am about halfway thru rabbit as well. I set it down for a quick fluff read this week. Love both of those colors. I am curious about the sweater and its construction. Eager to see it finished (no pressure of course).

  3. It's always good to have a knitting challenge! I'm sure the cardigan is going to look lovely. I love how there is so much choice in pattern construction these days. Very exciting about your sock pattern. Jacinta

  4. I LOVE that you have separate day and night-time reads. I really enjoyed When God was a Rabbit, and Everlasting Meal is on my list, now to be moved up thanks to this post. Some pretty yarns going on there too xx

  5. Everlasting meal sounds like my kind of book. I hate to waste food and 'compost heap soup' is often on the lunch table. I love the chapter titles...I'll be putting this on birthday present list.

    Your shawls are always beautiful. I haven't attempted one yet but hope to have a go in the autumn.

  6. I have had that contiguous sweater on my list for some time, it looks like such a fun knit!

  7. The citron is coming along great. And good for you trying out a new color! I'm crocheting a granny square sampler afghan using only my stash scraps. I REALLY need to break out of the darker colors! (I think Ree will help with that as she keeps saying she needs sweaters in bright colors!)

  8. I love the pink. Can't wait to see the sweater, sounds like a fun knit.

  9. That's funny, I have daytime reading too. Usually household reading. Right now I am re reading the Complete Tightwad Gazette

  10. Wow, love the pink, can't wait to see it!

  11. Your yarn looks so delicate and pretty. Great projects, both of them!

  12. It's good to branch out...and that color is so gorgeous! (this being said by a very non "pink" person.)

  13. The cardigan sounds interesting. Can't wait to see how it turns out. And I like the pink!

  14. ooh that food book sounds right up my alley. I try not to waste any food if I can. I hope to can up some watermelon rind preserves as well as some corn cob jelly some time today or tomorrow. Both are loved around here and would end up in the trash but instead will become dessert and jelly.

  15. What a great cardigan pattern, I think it will look fantastic in pink!

  16. Ooh...both yarns are stunning in color!! Anxiously awaiting pictures of them when they are finished!

  17. I love seeing the progress of your latest Citron.

    I, too, have yarn for a sweater in a color that I normally would not wear. I need to cast on for it soon or else I'll chicken out. ;-)

    Don't psych yourself out, Karen. Just take the button band one stitch at a time when you get to it. :-)

  18. love your yarn colors!!!

  19. Love that pink. Pink is one of my favorite colors. And yay for free patterns. Maybe I'll get brave enough to try socks later this year.

  20. Thank you for the free pattern! I'm sending a few knitting friend here to check it out :) You are such the busy bee!

  21. Oh, that pink is delightful! Can't wait to see it all knit up. Thanks for the book recommendations. I think I may just have to pick up Everlasting Meals.

  22. Look at that skinny, skinny yarn! It's beautiful. Have a great time with that yarn. :)

  23. Its so fun learning new techniques. Enjoy.

  24. Thank you for the sock pattern, clever lady!
    Your yarn colours are all lovely; enjoy your knitting time!

  25. I think it hilarious that you are on your second Citron and mine is still in the knitting bag waiting for rows... I tried to knit in the car a bit yesterday, but my companion was too chatty. I kept messing up my counting! Can't wait to see the sweater... I love that pink!

  26. Lots of prettiness in your knitting space. Lovely new pink project, hope those buttons bands come into line.
    Enjoy the Citron.

  27. I am longing to read an Everlasting Meal, I can't decided whether to get it from the library or to wait and put it on my Christmas list.

  28. I have that cardigan saved on my list and I really want to try it. Soon, once I am finished knitting for everyone else! I love that color, though; it's definitely out of the ordinary for you but I'll bet it will look amazing when it's finished! xo


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