A Lovely Yarn Shop Along the Way

On one of our days in New Hampshire we drove up to Portland ME to the Knitwit Yarn Shop.  There is something about entering a yarn store and feeling like you are home :)  This shop was lovely and the people were so very nice and friendly!  As you can see wall to wall yarn (we should all decorate our houses like this).  The top photo is a wall of Quince and Co which I love.  I enjoyed seeing all of their yarn in person and getting to feel each skein.

How is it that in a yarn store you can strike up a conversation with a stranger and then be friends upon leaving?  That is what my experience was like in this little store.  Knitting as a hobby brings so many people together in the strangest ways.  I think it helps that I will talk to just about anybody-this used to drive my mother up a wall.

The above photo is a little crooked but it's the only one.  Right before I snapped this I ALMOST dropped my camera.  It was like a near death experience.  I was so flustered that I snapped and disregarded the preview.  I also vowed to always put the strap around my neck, epiphanies are very motivating to change my behavior.

I did buy yarn, how could you doubt?  On the left is Shibui Knits Staccato and on the right is Quince and Co Tern.  Both are destined to be a sweater one day.  The green yarn was from the clearance bin-how lucky was I???

So what I thought was a quick 20 minute shopping spree ended up being an hour visit according to my husband who was timing me.  Time flies when you are having fun in a knit shop.


  1. I'm so glad you're having such a great time! Oh to visit interesting places - with many yarn shops along the way! Throw in a couple of great coffee shops and you've found my heaven on earth. (:

  2. Looks like a great store - incentive for me to drive on over to Portland. So glad you've had a great trip up here in my neck of the woods. New Hampshire is a great place, huh?!

  3. WOW! Did you ever score BIG!!! Love the purchases. Looks like a shop I could totally lose myself in---for more than an hour.

  4. Ohh, this looks like just a perfect way to spend a day.

  5. oh yes, we should definitely decorate our houses like that!!
    i have the very bad habit of not using a camera strap at all. not good, i know :(
    glad nothing happened to your camera!

  6. I feel like I've seen photos of those shelves somewhere before. Gorgeous! And you chose some beautiful colours, as ever. Very autumnal.

  7. When we are in a little town called Leavenworth, there is a little yarn shop called WOOLY BULLY. Isn't that clever. I love going there. Have a blessed day! Tami

  8. What a lovely shop! FYI - my husband won't go into the yarn store with me any more...."All that time agonizing over what - yarn?!?!" He will take me to one and then look for something else near by...anything else :)

  9. well, of course it would take you at least an hour in there, it's a treasure hunt! :)

  10. What a great store! Love the lime green... I have some yarn in just about that colour waiting for a christmas knit... assuming I ever get back to knitting!

  11. I love visiting new yarn shops! Looks like a great store--I wish someplace near here stocked Quince and Co. I got a little taste of their Chickadee yarn through a mini skein exchange, but I'd love to knit something bigger than a hexipuff with them. :)

  12. Wow what an amazing shop. I didn't realise that Quince and co actually had a shop...I thought it was all on-line...how perfect. Love the colours too, especially the green. I'm dying to see what you make with them both.
    Happy Knitting.

    1. I think this store carries Quince and Co yarn, I was thrilled to see it in person :)

  13. You my dear Karen are one blessed woman! Both of those yarns are beautiful and with your knitting skills I know you are going to make something stunning.

  14. Oh I love Knit Wit! What a fun shop. Next time you are up this way you must make it a bit further North and visit my little town and Halcyon yarn...oh my what a joy!

  15. Beautiful yarn. It sounds like a lovely little yarn shop.


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