Fall into the Season

Do you see it??  That one golden leaf?  Yep, I think fall is here.  It will be quite some time before I can wear my woolens but this golden leaf holds the promises of sights and sounds to come.  As I entered the grocery store this week I distinctly smelled cinnamon from the scented pine cones they sell.  Ah, what a way to celebrate the fall season!!  So even though it's still hot, I'm excited for chilly days, numb fingers and seeing my breath in the early morning while walking Frodo about the yard.

For all of you early Christmas planners out there, my sister has seven felted Christmas ornaments for sale on Ravelry for a low price.  All of the patterns have been test knitted and each comes with her felting instructions.  Head on over to here to check it out!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)


  1. Oh I love it, though I cannot be a Christmas planner yet...can't do it:)

  2. I am ready for some cooler temperatures too. Yesterday it was 90 degrees and I am as red as a cooked lobster [yes, I did put on sunscreen]. I have already begun my snow wishing so my fingers are crossed.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I love that I'm not the only one that is ready for fall. I'm like you, ready for my woolens and being cozy. Have a great weekend!

  4. Seeing your leaf gave me the shivers... it's cool today, and I am so ready for jeans and clogs and sweaters... bring it on!

  5. we're supposed to have a cool front over the weekend, down into the mid 80s during the day...doh! i'm ready for a COLD front. cool front just won't cut it ;-)

  6. My exact thoughts! We were in Michaels the other day and I found myself wandering the Fall and Christmas sections :) Bliss! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. The Indian summer seems to be continuing according to the forecast at least until the weekend. Although the skies are deep blue and the days warm, early mornings have a chill to them that reminds me autumn is on it's way along with pumpkins and homely puddings and time to read and knit....
    Hope you have a golden weekend...
    Ps Love the dogs name.

  8. i took a shot similar to this yesterday...my feet and one beautiful fall-colored leaf. i am waiting patiently...well, trying to be patient ;)

    happy weekend!

  9. It's in the eighties here today, and we've not had rain for almost 50 days! I'm enjoying the good weather, but the trees are looking very thirsty as they're not used to long dry spells. Heard that Starbucks now has pumpkin spice lattes, another sign of fall.....and the holidays soon to follow. Yikes!

  10. I am anticipating the coming of fall too, can't wait! I like to say it is my favourite season, but really they all are. I think what I really like is the shift in seasons, the changes and the beauty that each one brings.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. What a pretty golden leaf it is. Looking forward to seeing more autumn goodness in the coming months. Have a lovely weekend. Jacinta

  12. I love moving into the seasons with other bloggers. It's so cool to see the changes through your eyes. That one golden leaf tells it all.

  13. I'm excited...it simply can't be far away now!!!!!

  14. We are seeing some golden leaves as well. Doesn't seem possible does it? But, I definitely am welcoming fall.

  15. Although fall is my favourite I'm not quite sure I'm ready. But ready or not - here it comes!

  16. Oooh - love the ornaments, especially the hat! I've been wanting to tackle felting just might have to try a few :)

  17. Love it when the stores bring out those cinnamony pine cones!

  18. this may as well be a picture of me, last week, standing out in the driveway and staring (with a big smile) at the one little crinkled red maple leaf that had turned and fallen to the ground...... and yep, same scented stuff in our local grocery- except actually I think they are cinnamon scented brooms at this point.

    happy almost fall!


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