
This is a view from my back yard, it seems like only yesterday it was hot and humid and sticky.  Oh so rapidly has the weather changed to fall and today was my first day to wear a jacket AND a wool shawl.  My my, I have been anticipating this season forever and now I'm afraid it will go whizzing past.  So every day I stop, think, savor and let all my senses be filled with autumn.

My weekend went by in a blur of activity.  The kids came home Friday at different times and Frodo was extremely happy and extra wiggly to see each of them.  I love how dogs are expressive and give fully of themselves to the moment.  Lots of talking and laughing.  I have heard about many new friends and my kids are quick to pull up Facebook for faces to match names I've heard during phone calls.

With the kids came the backpacks, suitcases, books and various items strewn about my house.  I have found out that I can ignore most of the visual clutter for 48 hours.  (practice makes perfect)  Hand made knits were dispensed (hat and cowl) and lucky for me the kids were thrilled.  As you know that makes them knit worthy.

So as I sit here right now this Sunday afternoon, my kitchen and family room are clean.  My laundry awaits my attention and it's very very quiet-the weird kind of quiet.  Frodo is napping recovering from sensory overload and I am waiting for a cup of tea to cool off to sip.

How was your weekend?


  1. I'm so glad you had a great time with your babies home. I do understand about dogs, my Twinkie really is like a little toddler going banana's when all the kid's come home.
    You got to wear wool? I really am envious, it's still hot here and my a/c is running. ;(

  2. oh sweet that your kids loved up the knits! that is the best when they show appreciation. ezra and i recently went yarn shopping so i can make him a kirby doll.. unfortunately the yarn picked out was basic peaches and cream and i hate knitting with cotton, don't you? but, i thought it would be only fair to let him pick the color.
    weekend was spent recovering from indy having surgery on friday. all is well.

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend with your kids. I sure hope my little man is still excited about mama's hand made knits when he grows up :)

  4. It is suddenly autumn here too, there's a definite chill in the air and the first hint of autumn colour on the trees. I'm looking forward to the new season :D

  5. We had a lovely weekend of baking, creating and visiting the art gallery. Today I am catching up on dishes, laundry and the floors! Hope you are having a lovely day. :)

  6. my week sounds very much like your weekend karen. my pup had a great time with visiting kids, in fact he hasn't stopped sleeping since they left today!

  7. Glad you had a lovely weekend with the young ones!

  8. Our autumn arrived this weekend too - I am more than happy to get the woollies out! :)

  9. Wonderful weekend! I'm also glad for the cooler temps and the chance to bundle up!

  10. Glad you had a nice weekend with the kids. I am awaiting the day when the clutter will be substantially less!

  11. It feels like fall here, too, right on schedule although the rains still haven't come back. (I'm not complaining about that!) We had a nice weekend also: went to a quilt exhibit at the local art museum and out for dinner, saw the youngest GS, and went to a movie. Now back to routine week-stuff! Have a great day!

  12. Four year old grandson Kaleb ran around greating everyone 'Happy Fall, Happy Fall!' What wonderful words to hear! Of course, he was disappointed the leaves were all still on the tree! In time, we told him, all in good time. Glad you had a good visit with the kids. They sound like great kids. And knit-worthy, which is doubly awesome. :)

  13. It's turned cold here too, the first day of Autumn we broke out the sweaters, right on cue! And i understand ignoring the visual clutter for only so long...I often get the itch to get my house back to "normal".

  14. Ah it sounds marvelous! I still haven't gotten used to the visual clutter around my house. I remember my house as a kid being pretty doggone neat, but then there were only two of us and we were never home.
    Autumn is going to rush by; I can just feel it. I am taking a cue from you and settling in-time for some knitting tonight!

  15. I'm so glad you had such a great weekend with your kids.The weather has been a little chilly here the past two days...I love it! I'm learning to accept that some sort of clutter will be a part of my life while I'm mothering such young children.

  16. Your view is gorgeous! I just love the changing colors of fall seen in all of your trees. How I do so miss that. PA is so brilliant this time of year, enjoy it!

  17. Dogs do know how to deal with things, don't they??? (Freddy right now is catching up on zzzzzzz's---anticipating 5 grands coming in a couple weeks!!! I should be doing the same thing!)
    So glad you had a great weekend!!!!!


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