
I LOVE THIS MUG!   Okay, I feel so much better now that I got that out of my system.  My weekend was fabulous, and it was filled with:

-going to a fiber festival in northern PA
-going with my knitting friends
-seeing this locally made mug and having to buy it-my tea tastes even better than ever in it!
-ideas for my next post to share all the fun photos I snapped
-going to church and embracing the silence and calmness that happens
-starting a new project (not with yarn I bought)
-loving the signs of fall-everywhere I look I see leaves falling, turning colors :)
-a walk with Frodo
-talks with closing the pool this very week

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Oh I love your mug too and I bet your tea tastes awesome! I was just telling Mike that I would love to have a wheel and kiln, maybe one day.
    How exciting to go to a fiber festival and I can't wait to see all the photos. I have never been to a fiber festival and they don't have them anywhere close to were I live :(

  2. I too feel fall in the air! Great mug...I would fill with hot chocolate.

  3. I how much better a cup of tea tastes when you have a new mug that you love :) Enjoy!

    Looking forward to the pictures from the fiber festival, I have never been to one...maybe it is time.

    Yay for fall in the air, we can feel up here too and I am so ready for it.

    Wishing you a lovely week.

  4. Things always taste better in a sweet handmade mug. (:

  5. ok. stop at the top.
    a fiber festival?????
    Full of oat bran and Grape Nuts?
    Full kudos for starting a knitting project without buying new yarn.

  6. wow---new perfect mug AND a fiber festival!!! you go, girl!!!

    1. sorry-can't figure how to post regular, so I'm replying...anyhow. Just wondering where your fiber fest was??? I have an old mug with a crack that was always Mom's Mug! I think it's time for a new one! And I've never been to Hemlock Lake, but I'm going this Saturday!! Looked at the calendar and realized it's this week and not next!!
      please post pictures if you took them.

    2. It was in Hareford PA. Almost to the New York border!

  7. Yes, I love your mug too :-)

    Our weekend was sun-drenched with bike rides and walks and a special visit form my nephew.

    Have a lovely mug-filled week.

  8. Oh, I would love to be able to make something like that mug. Wouldn't that be great? Best to stick to knitting though I think! I love the sound of a fiber festival! Can't wait to hear more. Hope your having a lovely week. :)

  9. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I'm looking forward to seeing photos from your fibre fest and the stash additions. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  10. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Love the mug - I'm also a mug girl. Tea totally tastes better in pretty mugs :o)

  11. I love that mug! I have one very similar and it just makes me happy to drink out of it. Fiber festival sounds like fun! We still have a couple of months till our next big one around here.

  12. It's lovely no wonder you couldn't resist buying it. Perfect for cosy autumn drinks.

  13. That is a beautiful mug. I'm so looking forward to fall!

  14. Hand made mugs are the best. They just feel better and make whatever you're drinking taste better. I woke up to fifty-five degree weather this morning - YES! Pulled out the cowboy boots...I am a happy woman now ;)

  15. Sounds like you had such a lovely weekend!

  16. i love your mug, too! i've been looking for one like that locally but so far no luck. *soon*

  17. love that mug too, hope your fibre festival was good x

  18. I am a true believer in a mug making all of the difference with a cup of coffee or tea. I've used the same pottery mugs for my morning coffee since my husband (at the time, boyfriend) bought for me over 15 years ago! The coffee just tastes better...I get it!

  19. I do love that mug! My hubby has been wanting a set of those for a few years now :) Sounds like it was a lovely weekend! Cant wait to see the upcoming posts :)

  20. That really is a lovely mug. Perfect for tea, I think! Your weekend sounds lovely ~ all of it!


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